Greatest winger to play for City

Barnes and Tueart were superb. Tuearts scoring record stands up to the closest of scrutiny. Matched only by White in the modern era. Summerbee was coming to the end of his time at city when I was old enough to remember, but I'm sure he was as good as they say!
David White was often deemed as 'frustrating' but over 90 goals for City and loads more set up for Quinn and the like means he gets my vote
andy said:
In my time, as an out and out winger I used to love watching Peter Beagrie play in the Horton period. Great entertainer, beat his man, let hime get back, beat him again.

Sure he's not our best but on his day a real talent.

But he was also very frustrating to watch. Get the ball over
Gary James said:
Without Meredith City may never have become a successful club at all, so for major impact I guess he has to be number 1. My personal favourite was Peter Barnes - it was a pity he came along at a time when English football seemed not to want to use wingers.

Also, loved Tommy Hutchison for his impact.

Worth noting that although we all think of Mike Summerbee as a great winger (which he was), he was centre-forward for most of the 1967-68 title winning season.

Agree about Meredith. However I think Health & Safety would have something to say about that toothpick!

Just in the middle of Cult Heroes at moment, a good read. However have a word with your proof readers, some typos and grammatical errors in there!
Would like to know Garry James view on the legendary Eric Brook..............

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