Greta Thunberg

People need to get a grip. Yes, it's something to be mindful of and actions are needed, which unless you've been in a coma you will have noticed we've been taking. But all this "extinction" tripe?!!! These are the people who should grow up. Grow the fuck up yourself.
Are you denying that extinctions have happened because of human activities?

Are you denying that extinctions have happened because of human activities?


Trouble you have is extinctions have happened since life first began and long before man appeared.

Climate change is cyclical in that it has been hot and cold with low and high sea levels and the landmasses are not some stable platform, they are forever moving.

I've no issue in the claim that we have seen a huge increase in the rate of global warming and that we have played a part in that but i refuse to accept we are the sole reasons for it as we are not.

Mother nature is far more powerful than we are and will do what it has done for billions of years regardless of what we do.

Talk of mass extinctions and the end of the world is pure out and out hysteria spread for political reasons and its become the new religion and almost cult like imo.

We do our bit as a family, recycle when and where we can but i dont buy into the hysteria im afraid.
Trouble you have is extinctions have happened since life first began and long before man appeared.

Climate change is cyclical in that it has been hot and cold with low and high sea levels and the landmasses are not some stable platform, they are forever moving.

I've no issue in the claim that we have seen a huge increase in the rate of global warming and that we have played a part in that but i refuse to accept we are the sole reasons for it as we are not.

Mother nature is far more powerful than we are and will do what it has done for billions of years regardless of what we do.

Talk of mass extinctions and the end of the world is pure out and out hysteria spread for political reasons and its become the new religion and almost cult like imo.

We do our bit as a family, recycle when and where we can but i dont buy into the hysteria im afraid.
So I'm guessing you didn't even click on the study then.

Utter fucking denial.
So I'm guessing you didn't even click on the study then.

Utter fucking denial.

No i didn't but I've read similar and the problem with studies is they are often paid for by people expecting and wanting a certain answer and conclusion.

There have been 5 so called great mass extinction events and none caused by man.

There will be a sixth, and a seventh and so on..........

One day the sun will become a red giant and then we are all fucked but it wont be for around 8 billion years.

I do my bit, we do our bit as a family but it rests with governments to really put the work in and legislate against plastics, fossil fuels etc if a difference is to be made short term and other than it being seen as an excuse to make money, i dont see any real action being taken. Lots of words, lots of promises and from certain parts of the world a big fat 2 fingers up at everyone which makes me washing my beans tin out a waste of time.
No i didn't but I've read similar and the problem with studies is they are often paid for by people expecting and wanting a certain answer and conclusion.
Again, laughable denialism. As if the last 5 decades of research hasn't been done against the misinformation of special-interest groups from your side of the debate. As if it hasn't been a constant struggle against the lobbying of huge petrochemical companies, mining companies, and all manner of other groups whose business model depends on exploiting the planet's resources. Getting governments and industry to agree that man made climate change is an issue has been a constant fight against all of the things you now claim are backing it. You're literally just rewriting history to fit in with your political views, making yourself the victim of a conspiracy rather than admitting that you've blatantly lost the debate badly. Even the South Park writers were big enough to admit it in the end, and they'd done a whole series about what a crock of shit it was.

And let's be clear here, you're refusing to read something that might challenge your position, purely on the vague hunch (no evidence presented) that it might be funded by someone that has an interest in a particular result.

But just out of interest, if it's all a conspiracy to make money, then why do you call on the government to do something, rather than just cancel the whole damn thing? After all, all these extinctions are just natural, right?
Again, laughable denialism. As if the last 5 decades of research hasn't been done against the misinformation of special-interest groups from your side of the debate. As if it hasn't been a constant struggle against the lobbying of huge petrochemical companies, mining companies, and all manner of other groups whose business model depends on exploiting the planet's resources. Getting governments and industry to agree that man made climate change is an issue has been a constant fight against all of the things you now claim are backing it. You're literally just rewriting history to fit in with your political views, making yourself the victim of a conspiracy rather than admitting that you've blatantly lost the debate badly. Even the South Park writers were big enough to admit it in the end, and they'd done a whole series about what a crock of shit it was.

And let's be clear here, you're refusing to read something that might challenge your position, purely on the vague hunch (no evidence presented) that it might be funded by someone that has an interest in a particular result.

But just out of interest, if it's all a conspiracy to make money, then why do you call on the government to do something, rather than just cancel the whole damn thing? After all, all these extinctions are just natural, right?

Yeah you’re one of those religious/cult types I talked about earlier.

Each to their own.
Anyone asked her when she is of to china?

Reporter “why should America do its bit when China are producing what they are?”

Thunberg “they said the same about America when I questioned them in Sweden”.
No i didn't but I've read similar and the problem with studies is they are often paid for by people expecting and wanting a certain answer and conclusion.

There have been 5 so called great mass extinction events and none caused by man.

There will be a sixth, and a seventh and so on..........

One day the sun will become a red giant and then we are all fucked but it wont be for around 8 billion years.

I do my bit, we do our bit as a family but it rests with governments to really put the work in and legislate against plastics, fossil fuels etc if a difference is to be made short term and other than it being seen as an excuse to make money, i dont see any real action being taken. Lots of words, lots of promises and from certain parts of the world a big fat 2 fingers up at everyone which makes me washing my beans tin out a waste of time.
Love a good study.

Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

So only a year left.

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