Greta Thunberg

Have you seen a map of what the Earth looked like millions of years ago?

It happens and it has happened for billions of years. Climate change is indeed human created but change is always inevitable, ask every single living dinosaur.

It is not possible to have a population of circa 6-7bn+ and remain carbon/pollution/plastic etc free.

If you are threatened by climate change or any event in this way then unfortunately there is only one answer, adapt and move.

Our entire species has been defined by its ability to survive and not by its ability to moan and drown.

Just out of interest, when those moaning and drowning think fuck that, I am going to survive because our species has always been defined by its ability to survive, what happens when they are knocking on the door of the UK asking to come in so they can survive and stop moaning and drowning.

Will we let them drown?

Because if you see a map from only a few thousand years ago our species has always migrated in order to survive, that ability to survive is inherent to humanity. Or are you willing for certain people to go the way of the dinosaurs and become extinct so you can still have a nice car and put your heating on.

Climate change inspired migration will I have no doubt be one of the biggest challenges our planet will face and are we prepared to sacrifice our fellow man in order to carry on living as we do.

Or are you as you suggested the other day in favour of Social Darwinism?
Just out of interest, when those moaning and drowning think fuck that, I am going to survive because our species has always been defined by its ability to survive, what happens when they are knocking on the door of the UK asking to come in so they can survive and stop moaning and drowning.

Will we let them drown?

Because if you see a map from only a few thousand years ago our species has always migrated in order to survive, that ability to survive is inherent to humanity. Or are you willing for certain people to go the way of the dinosaurs and become extinct so you can still have a nice car and put your heating on.

Climate change inspired migration will I have no doubt be one of the biggest challenges our planet will face and are we prepared to sacrifice our fellow man in order to carry on living as we do.

Or are you as you suggested the other day in favour of Social Darwinism?

My guess is he will be standing there slurping his mcdonalds vanilla milkshake(own plastic straw) with his boot firmly on the guys head. He will be explaining to the person next to him that for millions of years people have been drowning and dying.

He will then toss the empty milkshake into the sea as people have been throwing things into the sea for millions of years.
Just out of interest, when those moaning and drowning think fuck that, I am going to survive because our species has always been defined by its ability to survive, what happens when they are knocking on the door of the UK asking to come in so they can survive and stop moaning and drowning.

Will we let them drown?

Because if you see a map from only a few thousand years ago our species has always migrated in order to survive, that ability to survive is inherent to humanity. Or are you willing for certain people to go the way of the dinosaurs and become extinct so you can still have a nice car and put your heating on.

Climate change inspired migration will I have no doubt be one of the biggest challenges our planet will face and are we prepared to sacrifice our fellow man in order to carry on living as we do.

Or are you as you suggested the other day in favour of Social Darwinism?
Why would they want to move to another island?

Just out of interest, when those moaning and drowning think fuck that, I am going to survive because our species has always been defined by its ability to survive, what happens when they are knocking on the door of the UK asking to come in so they can survive and stop moaning and drowning.

Will we let them drown?

Because if you see a map from only a few thousand years ago our species has always migrated in order to survive, that ability to survive is inherent to humanity. Or are you willing for certain people to go the way of the dinosaurs and become extinct so you can still have a nice car and put your heating on.

Climate change inspired migration will I have no doubt be one of the biggest challenges our planet will face and are we prepared to sacrifice our fellow man in order to carry on living as we do.

Or are you as you suggested the other day in favour of Social Darwinism?

I'm not in favour of it at all but why does that matter, it's just reality. I'd love for us to help the world but I am human and I won't choose to suffer and neither would you.

The irony is people are dying of starvation, disease etc etc everyday and we are sat here moaning about melting ice and decimal point changes in global temperatures.

If climate change is going to have consequences then none of us will care about Pacific islanders when the consequences come.

You can reduce your carbon footprint to zero right now by shutting off your PC, getting rid of your car..... What's the bet on anyone actually doing it?

That's why given the choice between suffering or not, everyone would blissfully let those islanders drown.
The irony is people are dying of starvation, disease etc etc everyday and we are sat here moaning about melting ice and decimal point changes in global temperatures.

The irony is you don't even realise that is as much a part of the problem than melting ice caps. Desertification of sub-Saharan Africa is already affecting huge amounts of people that already migrating to Europe.

Climate migration will not be just from Islands, it will be from all the uninhabitable areas of the planet whether are drowning or thirsty.
Have you seen a map of what the Earth looked like millions of years ago?

It happens and it has happened for billions of years. Climate change is indeed human created but change is always inevitable, ask every single living dinosaur.

It is not possible to have a population of circa 6-7bn+ and remain carbon/pollution/plastic etc free.

If you are threatened by climate change or any event in this way then unfortunately there is only one answer, adapt and move.

Our entire species has been defined by its ability to survive and not by its ability to moan and drown.

Ah sometimes i'd like to subscribe to the potential irony by which nature could punish us for treating it like that. Mind you nature was never shy of having methods to throw around people but atleast it used to be all out of our control. I think the most apt middle finger earth could give to us is what's implied trough research on the potential release of methane gas reserves from under the north pole, something i'd call " a polar fart nuke" if it ever came in it's "worst case size". A worst case size could indeed fuck us all pretty much starting from today, in such a case i'd think it fitting if we'd smell it too as if the north pole was expressig "humans i fart in youre general direction".

Basicly, if we would do nothing this earth would be on a guarateed path to the life sustainabillety that Mars currently offers, even with considerable effort now we have no scienific guarantee that we could prevent that scenario. This is because the density of parts in the atmosphere: once they hit a certain desity (which they did) , the temperature starts to rise by a relevant rate. The particle's decay often slow (about 6 decades iirc for carbon, 12 years for methane) trees filer some particle's out of the atmosphere but far slower than we add. In the long term we need an economy that only adds particle's at a rate where decay and filtration of nature or even added technoligy can neutralise it. As it is we are at that concentration where temperatures will rise, furthermore they will continue to rise at a faster pace because the rate to which we increase particles in the atmosphere is increasing. Once we hit certain levels of temperature rise we may notably trigger nature to add emmisions of it's own increasing the rate of particle growth even more. It's especially when nature itself would naturally start to emmit greenhouse gasses itself (simply because of acrued temperature rise) beyond the rate by which decay or filtration can reduce it that we might find ourself on a path of no return to Mars standards of sustainabillety as we might lack the tech "to cool it back down". You can find these scenario's aimed with targets towards 2100 for what regards total temperature rise and even by the commonly used models you certaintly have significant work to do now to avoid the worst BUT even these scenario's filter many issue's that are not expected to happen or to have such a significant likelyhood.

It's a bit like Yellostone Caldera but in a potentially more dramatic fashion. Yellowstone Caldera is not expected to blow up any soon, because it only blows up about every 10 million years and the last time it happened was 10 million years. If it would blow up, you can pretty much kiss North America goodbye afcourse. Thing is, when one considered that the periodic rate of disruption might easily be off by say a mere percent, tne you still have a 100.000 years to work with, Wich doesn't make it nessecarily that bigh a chance that Yellowstone caldera would blow up in the next 1000 years, a chance of just 1% about? The same applies to the Polar fart bomb and a few other things that could happen like say some asteroid murders us all. But polar fart bomb couldn't happen withought what we are currently doing to the atmosphere and by extension the north pole. The chance is calculated differetly, theoreticly it's possible to have a sudden gigantic release that constitutes a volume of several decades worth of emmisions, enough to up the temperature on Earth by 1 to 2 degrees in mere years for the nex 12 years. One would hit that point of no return fast especially given how were not ready for that. The thing is that expected methane releases are not nessecarily given such a large chance to be of such a huge volume and the calculated risk is then taken that this relative small chance thing won't happen or not by that magnitute. comets hit us from time to time but few are of notable size aswell. Humans are used to live with such calculated risks that could bring doom any day, i don't see any wisdom though to adding a few of our own making to the list.

Immagine though, the dice just falling that way that we get farted to death and smelling it too.
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If Liverpool goes under water while I am alive I am all for global warming.

Crack on.
Why would they want to move to another island?


Because Africa, parts of Europe, the Subcontinent, Australia, Central America etc. will become uninhabitable.

Once humidity reaches a certain level, we literally cannot survive in it.

As such, millions will come north looking for survival.
The irony is you don't even realise that is as much a part of the problem than melting ice caps. Desertification of sub-Saharan Africa is already affecting huge amounts of people that already migrating to Europe.

Climate migration will not be just from Islands, it will be from all the uninhabitable areas of the planet whether are drowning or thirsty.

I do realize it, so if we are so bothered then why don't we do something about it because isn't it our duty to do something?

Why don't we bin our cars, stop eating meat and stop using electricity etc etc?

Or, why don't we wash our hands, enjoy life and just blame the rich/government/corporations instead?

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