Greta Thunberg

I do realize it, so if we are so bothered then why don't we do something about it because isn't it our duty to do something?

Why don't we bin our cars, stop eating meat and stop using electricity etc etc?

Or, why don't we wash our hands, enjoy life and just blame the rich/government/corporations instead?

It is happening, I am not particularly a green fanatic, I was more concerned with what happens to the people who will be dispossessed when they arrive here looking for help. Until science sorts the problem out there will be larger and larger influxes of migrants seeking safety.

I do little bits where I can, I recycle as much as possible, I take public transport where possible and leave my car at home, I rarely eat red meat anymore, I got rid of my dryer and now use only the washing line, I only use heating when I desperately have too and that is because of my health. I have low wattage light bulbs, I refuse to use plastic bags, I don't buy bottled water or any drink with straws attached, I shower instead of having a bath.

None of us can be responsible alone, being absolutist is not the answer, but we can all make small lifestyle adjustments that help.
It is happening, I am not particularly a green fanatic, I was more concerned with what happens to the people who will be dispossessed when they arrive here looking for help. Until science sorts the problem out there will be larger and larger influxes of migrants seeking safety.

I do little bits where I can, I recycle as much as possible, I take public transport where possible and leave my car at home, I rarely eat red meat anymore, I got rid of my dryer and now use only the washing line, I only use heating when I desperately have too and that is because of my health. I have low wattage light bulbs, I refuse to use plastic bags, I don't buy bottled water or any drink with straws attached, I shower instead of having a bath.

None of us can be responsible alone, being absolutist is not the answer, but we can all make small lifestyle adjustments that help.

I highly doubt that movement would go down well and I also doubt that people will selflessly change to accommodate it.

A large amount of people today would let people drown in the Channel before they would accommodate those coming in need and the proof is they already are doing.

This just goes full circle back to what I said before which is the primal fear of someone coming to take *your* resources.

People will fight to defend that if they have to and we have seen it countless times in history so why will climate change make people think any differently?
People will fight to defend that if they have to and we have seen it countless times in history so why will climate change make people think any differently?

Because humanity can easily exhaust itself over a battle for resources as history has proven too. It was quite benificial to wage war for The British empire when it came to snagging diamonds from under the natives their nose, less so when it came to getting involved in 2 world wars. This example however is ony an analogy of a situation where "competing interrests ultimatly create an enviroment that proves detrimental for all". It's fairly simple to argue that people will act with more urgence if climate issue's as a result of collective greed increasingly affect them aswell. The only difference with that trend is that those on the green side will always argue that the people who already feel the consequences of climate change should expect things to worsen before they get better, which is never a fun thing to hear if one needs to be motivated into change.
Because humanity can easily exhaust itself over a battle for resources as history has proven too. It was quite benificial to wage war for The British empire when it came to snagging diamonds from under the natives their nose, less so when it came to getting involved in 2 world wars. This example however is ony an analogy of a situation where "competing interrests ultimatly create an enviroment that proves detrimental for all". It's fairly simple to argue that people will act with more urgence if climate issue's as a result of collective greed increasingly affect them aswell. The only difference with that trend is that those on the green side will always argue that the people who already feel the consequences of climate change should expect things to worsen before they get better, which is never a fun thing to hear if one needs to be motivated into change.
I mean you could have spoken about the Dutch in North America, South America and Indonesia, but no, you went for the British as the example...
I mean you could have spoken about the Dutch in North America, South America and Indonesia, but no, you went for the British as the example...

Well they wern't involved in WW1, hardly did anything in WW2. Britain was more of a geostrategic player trough both world wars, basicly an empire that conspiciously had profited more from conquest and would look at those world wars as something she would need to activly participate in to protect her interrests. To some degree empire building also came with that cost so to speak, not just for Britain afcourse.
Well they wern't involved in WW1, hardly did anything in WW2. Britain was more of a geostrategic player trough both world wars, basicly an empire that conspiciously had profited more from conquest and would look at those world wars as something she would need to participate in to protect those interrests. To some degree empire building also came with that cost so to speak.
You could have used Dutch imperialism as an example. Just found it interesting you omitted one nations aspirations of imperialism in favour of criticising another, in order to make your "point".
You could have used Dutch imperialism as an example. Just found it interesting you omitted one nations aspirations of imperialism in favour of criticising another, in order to make your "point".

Oh it was not intended as any specific criticism, rather than to provide a recognisable example. I think the moral i wanted to convey was a climatological analogy to the proverb "those who live by the sword, die by the sword".
It is happening, I am not particularly a green fanatic, I was more concerned with what happens to the people who will be dispossessed when they arrive here looking for help. Until science sorts the problem out there will be larger and larger influxes of migrants seeking safety.

I do little bits where I can, I recycle as much as possible, I take public transport where possible and leave my car at home, I rarely eat red meat anymore, I got rid of my dryer and now use only the washing line, I only use heating when I desperately have too and that is because of my health. I have low wattage light bulbs, I refuse to use plastic bags, I don't buy bottled water or any drink with straws attached, I shower instead of having a bath.

None of us can be responsible alone, being absolutist is not the answer, but we can all make small lifestyle adjustments that help.
Good for you. Given the C02 reduction you are making, I won't feel so bad burning a load of charcoal and eating my big fat steak over the weekend.

Well they wern't involved in WW1, hardly did anything in WW2. Britain was more of a geostrategic player trough both world wars, basicly an empire that conspiciously had profited more from conquest and would look at those world wars as something she would need to activly participate in to protect her interrests. To some degree empire building also came with that cost so to speak, not just for Britain afcourse.

although i like the dutch, their history is as brutal as any other regarding imperialism.

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