Greta Thunberg

Banks dressing it up as a joke when in reality you just know he would love it to actually happen. I can never understand why some right wingers are really against climate change and think it is a myth. I'm socially left but quite right wing in other regards, it is perfectly normal to disagree with parts of your political ideology. Seems like the in thing to do now slate anyone wanting to make the planet a better place like it is some big government conspiracy to tax us more.
Cannot really have a go at the girl, at least she gives a shite.

At 16 I was getting pissed in debdale park on kestral super or using my fake nus to get into pubs in Leve.
It wasn’t 12 years is the end. It was that if we don’t get our shit together within 12 years time it will be irreversible what comes next.
At least you could have a great holiday in Blackpool ( or even Morecambe) in 2050 as Britain becomes the new 'Mediterranean' destination for holiday makers.
At least you could have a great holiday in Blackpool ( or even Morecambe) in 2050 as Britain becomes the new 'Mediterranean' destination for holiday makers.

One positive is that Blackpool will at least be under water.
It wasn’t 12 years is the end. It was that if we don’t get our shit together within 12 years time it will be irreversible what comes next.

Ah that was it!

It was a women in america who came out with that with no substantial evidence talking about climate change and it stuck grew to what it is now!
Wish I was as wise when I was her age. Instead the booze cruises to Calais had just kicked in and I was getting a crate of Stella for £4.
Kind of went downhill from there.
It's Summer Hols, FM. Let's see if she's back for the beginning of September, or whenever the Swedes go back, but at 16 she might decide to leave, and I suspect she'll never be off Jezzer Vine's dreary two hour slot on R2! Thank fuck other stations are available.

On a slightly more serious note they will have us back to the Stone Age in a twinkle. They are shitting in a bucket on that yacht. And there was no information in the visuals I saw as to what they are doing with the slops. Are they taking them back to Sweden and disposing of them responsibly or when the camera's offline are they tipping them into the Atlantic?
Was that second paragraph a further attempt at humour or were you making a serious point?
I’m afraid you failed on both counts.

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