Greta Thunberg

Not really a surprise is it? Oh you stupid little 15 year old girl, not so articulate in your 2nd language without a script!

Her knowing fuck all about climate change other than whats been written down for her or you knowing it all?

Her knowing fuck all about climate change other than whats been written down for her or you knowing it all?


If you think pointing out a child isn't perfectly articulate in a foreign language off the cuff is impressive, then I've got some disappointing news for you. Christ, most world leaders and politicians can't articulate themselves in their own language.

Agree with her or not, think she's a puppet or not, trying to make a big deal out of this is just a bit sad and pathetic.
If you think pointing out a 15 year old isn't perfectly articulate in a foreign language off the cuff is impressive, then I've got some disappointing news for you.

Her English is fine.

Her knowledge of her chosen subject or should I say that of her Mothers and her political backers not so much.
Her English is fine.

Her knowledge of her chosen subject or should I say that of her Mothers and her political backers not so much.

So your theory is that despite it being her full time job for 18 months/2 years, she's not picked up any of the talking points or rhetoric that her "political backers" have had her talk about every day? Even though there's quite a few unscripted interviews where she manages to talk about them alright.
So your theory is that despite it being her full time job for 18 months/2 years, she's not picked up any of the talking points or rhetoric that her "political backers" have had her talk about every day?

Clearly not if the video is anything to go by lol
Name me one person that makes speeches and I’ll bet I can find a video of them stumbling offscript when tired.

She didnt stumble mate.....

The constant chipping at a teenager, and glee when she’s struggling with her words is creepy as fuck, and equally cuntish.

She's been put there so that she can't be criticised, the people behind her don't want their message criticised so she has been chosen to deliver it. Any other politician gets criticised and that's what she is now, a politician.

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