
This is very clever, made me laugh.

From Winston Kodogo
Date 15-1-2010 1:27:37
Country Africa
Message I been a Man U fan for 10 years an I watch dem on de telly wid me family an I be tellin you dat dis Glazier dude is one bad mother.
Once he sells our ground in, er, where is da ground? I fink it's in Liverpool - yeah - Liverpool and all our good players like Booney and Treves and we can't win anytink anymore then I be supporting Man City.
I bought a Alex Fergusson watch by mail order once so I a true fan.
Glacier out!
wez99 said:
This is very clever, made me laugh.

From Winston Kodogo
Date 15-1-2010 1:27:37
Country Africa
Message I been a Man U fan for 10 years an I watch dem on de telly wid me family an I be tellin you dat dis Glazier dude is one bad mother.
Once he sells our ground in, er, where is da ground? I fink it's in Liverpool - yeah - Liverpool and all our good players like Booney and Treves and we can't win anytink anymore then I be supporting Man City.
I bought a Alex Fergusson watch by mail order once so I a true fan.
Glacier out!

Ha!!!! I remember that name from the "Not the nine o´clock news" police sketch
Yeah Winston Kodogo....Police arrested him for wearing a loud shirt in a built up area...classic sketch!
here's a cracker

From Phuc U Tu
Date 15-1-2010 20:10:23
Country Singapore
Message I am chairman of Singapore Airlines. If Manyoo go bust the airline will also go tits up. (Bust, tits - geddit?). We rely on income from our football specials taking Singaporean people to Yoonited megastore to buy Berbaflop flip flops, Ferdinand camel masks, Neville fake tashes, Rooney blow up grannies, Hargreaves autographed sick notes, Nani & Anderson rimming DVDs, Wes Orange home Tango kits, and replica Owen blue disabled badges.

If you don't sort this out we will be forced to divert our football specials elsewhere.

P.S. Do you know of any Premier League clubs actually in Manchester?

think this is my personal favourite..

From Kno mon eii
Date 15-1-2010 19:00:53
Country China
Message To meeeestor glazer
i rearry rearry mad, I save up 5000 yen for new man u top with sharp sponsor and umbro make, i pay 1000 more yen for ronaldo name with numba on back, you sell him to real madrid, prease can you buy him back so i no look sirry in front of friend
My wife has just told me off for giggling to myself for the past half an hour reading through all of the messages. Absolute funniest thing I have read for a long time. Well done blues. You are a fuckin' witty bunch.

Not sure why but just reading 'Mr J Saville' from 'Sha Woddie Woddie' made me piss myself.
irlamblue70 said:
My wife has just told me off for giggling to myself for the past half an hour reading through all of the messages. Absolute funniest thing I have read for a long time. Well done blues. You are a fuckin' witty bunch.

Not sure why but just reading 'Mr J Saville' from 'Sha Woddie Woddie' made me piss myself.

Sha Woddie woddie HA HA HA HA HA HA HA fuck me lol

kust read then on my laptop in bed and cracked up now the missus has mode me sleep in the spare room

FUNNY! lol

From Mr J Saville
Date 15-1-2010 15:38:52
Country sha woddie woddie
I recently recieved a letter from man utds biggest fan, Danny from south London, via Dublin. It read...

''Dear Jimmy, could you please fix it for me, my bestest football team Man Utd are riddled with debt, and are gonna go bust quicker than Portsmouth''

My best advice for him was to go and support the Richest club in the world, not far away from united, down the road in manchester!!


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