Hacks, Has-beens And Never-was's

strongbowholic said:
Don't get me wrong lads, I'm gutted Bob is going, but I'll be 100% behind Pellegrini (if it is him) by the same token. Whatever happens, as you can see from that article from the Independent, we could cure cancer and have the Lord God himself in charge but the press would still find something significantly negative to write about us and spin the rags in a positive light.

On the money again, if or when Pellegrini arrives we have to get behind him and that's from a Mancini loyalist. It would be unfair to hate on Pellegrini the media would love it, another opportunity to peddle more shit our way.<br /><br />-- Sun May 12, 2013 8:00 pm --<br /><br />
strongbowholic said:
Don't get me wrong lads, I'm gutted Bob is going, but I'll be 100% behind Pellegrini (if it is him) by the same token. Whatever happens, as you can see from that article from the Independent, we could cure cancer and have the Lord God himself in charge but the press would still find something significantly negative to write about us and spin the rags in a positive light.

On the money again, if or when Pellegrini arrives we have to get behind him and that's from a Mancini loyalist. It would be unfair to hate on Pellegrini the media would love it, another opportunity to peddle more shit our way.
Great post and the truth. Much better put than I managed.
I echo the earlier sentiments, great post. What is extremely frustrating, if it is indeed true that Mancini had been sacked, is the way it's been done reflects so badly on the fans who have no choice but to defend and also answer to the jibes that will come out way. It's just not necessary to get rid of a manager in this way, yet again.
Fantastic post and may i say its about time our owners started looking at the people who run are PR team as its about time they put a stop to all the assault from the media that are club get.It would not happen at the swamp and as long as it goes on it doesnt matter who we have in control they will never be left alone and are only there until they are the next one to be forced out.
Don't post on here much but felt I had too tonight, absolute superb post and everything about how I feel too, im so fucking angry!!!!
Where as Bobby was portrayed as the devil incarnate when he took over and never given any credit the everton gargoyle is portrayed as the second coming by the scum press.
Its about time we let them know what we think of em boys if the club wont,
banners, chants of media scum etc etc a protest of sorts.
Whoever takes over from Bob if he is indeed going will not stand a chance.
Fantastic post. I totally agree.

The media have treated us terribly. I thought this might change when we became champions league regulars or even champions of England.

Not so, totally disrespectful to Mancini and City .

Unfortunately the sports press are predominantly rags, London biased, or crave for the yesteryear of Liverpool glory.

Hypocrisy will be rife if Mancini goes. The have wanted him out from day one but we will be castigated when he goes.
That's one of the best posts I've seen in ages. In a strange way, it even cheered me up. I know the agenda word gets banded about and is shot down in equal measure. I think most of us would agree we get some seriously shit coverage from all media outlets. There must be a way we can hurt them? I've not bought a newspaper in over three years and don't go on their websites. It won't make any difference to their turnover, but I'm less wound up about life! Can we get more creative? What if we all sent the same complaint message to Sky at the same time? How many would be required to overload their servers? I'm a bit naïve on computer matters, so maybe it's not feasible? Can we think of a way to kick 'em in the gonads?
My cider fuelled gut feel is someone - the club, us, both - need to make a stand. Either we make it a non-violent but hostile place to be as fans or the club puts a stake in the ground that says:

"We recognise your right to print stories about us, but there will come a point where you over step the mark and we will not co-operate with you at all. You will not get access to the manager, the players etc other than under strictly controlled, contractual conditions.

You will not be allowed to garner links and relationships and you will never get another quote from us, either confirming or denying a story nor from anyone in the club about any subject whatsoever. The only time you will hear from us is if you print anything remotely libellous and you will be pursued vigorously through the courts.

All stories about the club and anything associated with it can only be taken as genuine if it appears on mcfc.co.uk first.

Alternatively, if you want to play ball, all we ask is a fair crack of the whip and the club's doors are open for you. The choice is yours."

This is something that should have happened from day one of the takeover. Either that or I just don't understand the machinations of big business enough?
well pellegrini as not even got the job yet and the press have started on the poor sod!!!!
martin samuel fat rag twat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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