Harry Kane

Ok, we don’t know. Hypothetical question: let’s say he has indicated to us he would come in 12 months - would should we do now?
A year is too long in football. We've seen footballers indicate they'll come and change their mind at the last minute, so I wouldn't take the word of any player saying they'll come in a year. So right now we go for Kane, and bag a guaranteed goal machine.
Things is we cannot really hope the fee would be low if we set our spending power at 100m for Grealish. Kane has to worth considerably more than that in any scenario. One has good potential and 1.5 great season at a mediocre Villa, Kane has a much better international record, some CL experience with a final too, and years of PL experience being in-out top4 and scoring 20+ multiple seasons.

When I say more, I mean at least 50m more. If we offering 100m for him Levy would be a fool to agree right now. The longer this goes on I think the chance we have to include players grows imo.
Only can think of Ake or Jesus to go there as they would get their first team role there that they will never get here.
It would still be a large chunk of money, something like 70-80m plus Jesus.
that to me a better deal than paying 140m for Kane and ending up Jesus going on one of those loan-option to buy to Seria A.
(this all depending what role Pep has for Jesus next season, I would assume a limited role as Kane is about to eat up much of playing time as a striker, that includes all the playing time Jesus just had last season centrally which he only had due to Aguero being off almost all season)
I thnk of it the other way around. This is Levys last chance to cash in on Kane. Spurs are financially up against it. If Kane stasys it is poison in the dressing room for the team as a whole.

Thats the predicament he's in. If he doesn't sell now he loses probably £50m off Kanes value, has a player (Who although professional) will not want to play for that club, loses the chance to service a major chunk of their debt.

I am sure our owners will do what they can to buy Kane but I hope we have other options and can just tell Levy no thanks
The term “oil money” doesn’t get called out for being the nasty racist slur it is often enough.

How it’s just accepted as a standard bit of “banter” is quite sickening tbh.
Exactly! When in football history has the source of an owner's wealth been a cause of so much hatred & scorn? West Ham's owner made his millions for selling images of women's piss flaps & jugs. He's OK, but Islamic Arab Sheikh Mansour's 'Oil Money' isn't?

What about sponsorship? Any UAE derived sponsorship is viewed suspiciously as being party related where City are concerned, but any USA derived sponsorship for the red mafia is fine?

The latent racism on show here is sickening. Most had no issues with Abramovic, but football lost it's collective minds with the City & PSG takeovers.
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We're obviously in for Kane but surely we've got other options in case Levy won't budge (I think he will but if if he doesn't). If that's the case then Lukaku would be a good alternative and Haaland of course. I'm sure we'll have irons in the fire as we desperately need a striker.
Don't fall for the Grealish is costing £100m line. Even Sky Sports News had him up there on their list of most expensive British transfers at the top but...

£100m Grealish *including potential add ons...

Next on the list

£88m Pogba

No potential add ons listed for any other player on that list, surprise surprise, but I think we all know that the Prancing Bouffon has cost them more than £100m easily.

Grealish deal is probably similar figs. £70-80m fee, plus £20-30m if he wins things. For Villa, they see that as a windfall very likley to happen because if there is one club who are very likley to win things over the next few seasons, it is us.

Kane wlll cost more, no doubt, but I still think a £90-100m fee plus add ons to £120m is what we'll stretch to. Levy can play the hard negotiator all he likes, if we can't do a deal then its down to City not being able to justify the fee without the FFP vultures gathering again.
Wanted to post about the treatment of Kane not showing for training as I find it important to discuss.

'arry "The Golden Boy" of England, loyal servant to his club, who could do no wrong has magically turned into a baddie who shall not be named.

Some of us may have thought this attitude was strictly for the Sterling's the Pogba's, i.e. black players (they get it worse, of course - Ferdinand was right on that), but no.

What is revealed is that player displays of player power (despite the owners earning MASSIVE revenues DUE to the players) is not allowed. However, even an owner who joined SL that garnered vitriolic fan protests, is acceptable.

Any asking price set is so strongly praised and justified as all up to the owner
, rhetoric that "a contract is a contract" with zero recognition or even mention of well known market forces regarding player value, and a history of contracts in football never being equal to a contact or deed to a home as I argued with a Villa fan on Twitter on Grealish this past week.

A home can possess immense monetary value, but a home is NOT A PERSON with feelings and ambitions whom with an owner has a personal relationship with.

A home is not a top class striker, an entity that cannot be recreated or copied with the same quality anywhere on Earth and be aware of their own value. Yes, this DOES award the owner of a player with a long contract more power, but we know that with Kane this is even more complicated by the "gentleman's agreement" and Kane's personality and loyalty that was praised endlessly prior

Fans moan about player wages, but attitudes about this has always been historically a metaphor for workers fight with owners, even whilst the PRODUCT is the players skills on display.In film and other global audience level entertainment fields top stars earn incredible levels of income, but we don't whinge on about them the same way or discuss their wages so publicly (although they do face arguably worse barriers with lack of privacy).

There is a history of sport owners using their public advantage due to the angry, tribal, black and white thinking of more than enough fans and journalists to smear players and crush player attempts to gain more power - it's those selfish players, visibly cut throat agents, or invisible state owned clubs who all to blame - to get what they want and keep power.

It's little wonder we are now seeing more stars (Mbappe, Pogba perhaps Sterling) seeking to use free transfers to move than ever in Europe.
More and more fans have zero appetite for what Kane is doing and I can see it as "hurting their brand" or reputation.

But Kane is stuck because of his mistake signing that contract, believing Levy would let him go for a more reasonable price - I'd argue expecting perhaps similar to how City tend to do with players we let go. City don't hassle like Levy due to some advantages, but this also includes accepting risk losing players to Barca or RM or Bayern or selling low to Serie A, but also creates an advantage attracting talent by providing the players with a sense of agency.

For someone like Kane to do this is it THAT difficult to see how he may feel he was lied to by Levy? I think the answer has a strong chance of being "Yes."

Similar transpired with Messi last summer, and recall how he was manipulated and forced to concede by Barca. Even a player with his power.

Professional footballers in UK/Europe IMO have LESS power than they do across the pond for a long list of reasons, but that doesn't mean it's truly fair when compared to justification of owner power that in other instances we might raise questions on.

Notice a theme? We accept owner power as okay when convenient for our own self(ish) interests, but recall the difference with Kane here in that Messi HAS won titles, HAS won CL, moving far when settled with children, a change in leadership was likely coming to Barca, and it did. For Kane, all the rest do not match and Levy is going nowhere.

We hear a so called saint of English football Gary Neville clearly hinting something is amiss for Kane do not show for training. That's how frustrated he is with Levy. Nope, all City's fault. Remember always best to blame everyone else and never look inward ever:

When Kane's 6 year contract is raised, yes, we can say he made a mistake, but could it be due to the kinder behaviour he has exhibited these same fans and journalists praised Kane for in the past endlessly with this "gentleman's agreement" yet now we know he was not signing with a gentleman?

Is it surprising players seem more and more "selfish" when so many clubs, fans or journalists treat players, even like Kane, the way they are? So years of credibility is thrown out the window in one breath? That's all it took.

I find interesting that City fans are often accused of being tribalist and closed to criticism but why do sane fans with reasonable questions on "our side" feel similar? We are all not listening or diving deep enough, and blaming one group or the other is poor in approach.

Scapegoating or oversimplifying "what's wrong with football" regardless of how misguided or inconsistent with fans' beliefs - usually social and political - in other areas of life without self-reflection is never the way to go. I can admit things as a City fan that allow for criticism of the club or other aspects that have gotten me into hot water with some of our fans, but I accept that and am open to dialogue.

Yet when it comes to takes on player's worker rights there's little room for conversation amongst too many fans due to strong, somewhat understandable feelings when one is not so well off, over player earnings regardless of what appears like little acknowledgement that their wages are PAID BY THE OWNERS WHO THEMSELVES CHOOSE TO OFFER SUCH CONTRACTS (if we want to play the "choice" game and see the inconsistency there).

Some fans and journalists seem lost that "the money spent" on players and wages justifiably exists due to basic economic forces in a supposed "free-market" Capitalist system.

Supply and demand in an incredibly competitive and lucrative global market for the services to earn MASSIVE revenues for owners (are the owners living on the streets if the club goes bust?) - where contracts mean FAR less and player movement equivalent to what happens when free market capitalists seek to participate in a truly capitalist world - meaning capital (players and humans - most of us NOT allowed of course) is able to move around the world anywhere freely.

If you create an attractive environment with top quality and you will attract the best talent even if some move on. It's how many successful businesses function. Not blocking their workers capacity to change jobs. Yet, Levy and other owners know that fan/journalists will back them so they continue to get away with this, for now perhaps.

Yes, Spurs will still attract strong players despite the Kane saga, and TBF Levy may know he cannot attract the best so his game is the way it is selling, but it was different with other players who have left it feels.

I wonder if treating Kane this way may come back to haunt Levy more than he thinks with future talent.

Curious how it plays out but is it wrong to ask questions about how much Levy cares about Kane or his players? Sport is a cutthroat, dispensable world of what have you done for me lately for the clubs and fans. Kane's treatment shows it.

Feels like a "wow" should sadly, actually turn into not surprising.

EDIT: Apologies for massive editing error when first posting and if you actually read this far, cheers :)

This is beautifully written but I think the quality of the writing is wasted on the subject matter.

I don't think it matters.

Whatever happens, City will finished between first and fourth. Spurs will finish between third and eighth. Nothing really changes.

Levy does not care what Kane thinks. Nor does Levy think this situation damages the club. In fact, my guess is the reverse is true, he sees screwing as much as he can out of City and not taking shit from players enhances his reputation. Despite many people on here saying that Levy is incompetent, his standing with the people that matter to him - the banks - is very good (see £970m worth of loans). Plus we have between £160-£80m (depending on who you believe on here) in the bank. Nor does it put off "the best centre back in Italy" from signing for us. Money motivates him not the reputation of the chairman. And if this bloke is as good as he says he is, then in a few years you lot will be pay £200m for him. That is the business model.

Nor does Kane care what Levy thinks. When he does sign for City or United or Chelsea or whoever, he wont care about Spurs, the fans, or Levy. In fact he shouldn't now. Kane is just immature young man (like pretty much every footballer) being advised by his starstruck brother and they are both trying to make the best of their immense good fortune. And we shouldn't have problem with that.

Of course, Kane is a very good footballer, but when, in the future, I am talking to talking to the grandkids about the great Spurs players will I remember him like Perryman, Hoddle, Waddle, Klinsmann, Ginola, Gascoigne, Bale, Defoe etc? Or will you remember him like Goater, Kinkladze, KDB, Kompany, Aguero, Bell, etc?

Maybe? I am not sure.
Exactly! When in football history has the source of an owner's wealth been a cause of so much hatred & scorn? West Ham's owner made his millions for selling images of women piss flaps & jugs. He's OK, but Islamic Arab Sheikh Mansour's 'Oil Money' isn't?

What about sponsorship? Any UAE derived sponsorship is viewed suspiciously as being party related where City are concerned, but any USA derived sponsorship for the red mafia is fine?

The latent racism on show here is sickening. Most had no issues with Abramovic, but football lost it's collective minds with the City & PSG takeovers.
it must be really painful for the haters
Fairly sure no one can justify that part. Gentlemen's agreement in football means absolutely nothing. Kane may be convinced he has one but he has no right to use that as something official.

I will say, however, I do see why he's up in arms. For people claiming 'whyd he sign the contract then?' well a lot of players do and still move. Plus the situation then and now is totally different, Levy may be clever for negotiations with other clubs, but he has simply failed to deliver the Spurs project, no silverware, a CL final is good fair enough, but nothing of note aside, recruitment has been poor, and so I can understand why at the time Kane was signing that contract he believed strongly in the project, but has no faith in it now.
It is an interpretation/conclusion that I have reached and whether this would justify Kane's response is not something I'm interested in in this post; rather I'm trying to explain what he's doing. I would say, though, that if Levy committed himself verbally to allowing Kane to leave in certain circumstances he may have undertaken a contractual obligation.

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