Harry Kane

If I were a Spurs fan I'd be fuming at how Levy has become a star. He has a reputation and is spoken about in the press more than their manager or players.
When you don’t have a competitive team and no immediate ambition to become one, you’ll clutch at any straw. At such times, ‘winning’ a transfer battle, no matter how pyrrhic, will be cause for an open top bus ride down the Seven Sisters Road.
you seem desperate to keep the spurs train going yet being a leeds fan allegedly?
Nothing to do with me backing Spurs at all. Just that the majority opinion here seems to be that Levy will negotiate with a price lower than £150m when there’s little to no evidence of that and I felt it needs explaining. As for my preference, it’s for Kane to join city for many reasons, increases the chance of Leeds finishing ahead of Spurs, increases the chance of Chelsea not winning the title, the England benefit of Kane playing every week with Sterling, Grealish and Foden, the fact I think a player like Kane shouldn’t be wasting his career, the fact it baffles me a team would build a super creative midfield and have no striker etc.
Firstly, we ARE signing Kane. But if we ignore that and imagine we don’t get him, you need to remember that Aguero only played 700 mins last season and even when available he was barely even 3rd choice after KDB and Jesus. There may have even been other false 9 options that were above Sergio in the pecking order. We didn’t lose peak Aguero. We lost a guy that is unfortunately not a force any more and had been injured almost non-stop for over a year. And is now injured again for 10 weeks.

The issue if we were to not get Kane is less failing to replace Aguero and more failing to add something different to the squad to take pressure off the false 9 having to work for the majority of the season again.
But you need to remember that was last season and this season will be totally different. Chelsea now have a world class striker and they know how to play us . Liverpool are now coming back to full strength and Utd have strengthened. We need a striker this season because we will not do what we did last season . I’m not saying we need a £150 million Harry Kane although it would be fantastic but we do need a good finisher to convert it he hundreds of chances we create .
Yeah it’s the media of all professions job to use and apply critical thinking. It’s their name and reputation on the line when they spend all summer backing one horse 100% and the signs have been there all along that it’s another. Blinded by Levy as Mike Skinner almost said
IMO Levy lost credibility when he appointed Mourinho. Spurs got to a CL final and Levy was in the hot-seat. Then they blew it.

If the media are blinded by that I'd be surprised. I think they see MCFC, and they see Liverpool fans burning with envy and they pen their poison. Someone has to read your writing. The market for opinion is massive. Every football fan has their own media now. I remember a time when at 5.30pm I'd be waiting outside some newsagent somewhere in Manchester waiting for the Football Pink. Peter Gardner and David Meek were the main men. Now their modern-day counterparts are nothing. No one knows them. Their remaining market is in smear and mud-slinging.
But you need to remember that was last season and this season will be totally different. Chelsea now have a world class striker and they know how to play us . Liverpool are now coming back to full strength and Utd have strengthened. We need a striker this season because we will not do what we did last season . I’m not saying we need a £150 million Harry Kane although it would be fantastic but we do need a good finisher to convert it he hundreds of chances we create .

Liverpool and the rags are going to present a fight for sure.

Not against us, obviously, but Leicester and Wolves will be in for a battle.
Nothing to do with me backing Spurs at all. Just that the majority opinion here seems to be that Levy will negotiate with a price lower than £150m when there’s little to no evidence of that and I felt it needs explaining.

The majority opinion is that Kane will be a City player come 1st September. The money narrative is just a distraction to make it seem like Daniel Levy and Spurs are somehow 'in control'.
Nothing to do with me backing Spurs at all. Just that the majority opinion here seems to be that Levy will negotiate with a price lower than £150m when there’s little to no evidence of that and I felt it needs explaining. As for my preference, it’s for Kane to join city for many reasons, increases the chance of Leeds finishing ahead of Spurs, increases the chance of Chelsea not winning the title, the England benefit of Kane playing every week with Sterling, Grealish and Foden, the fact I think a player like Kane shouldn’t be wasting his career, the fact it baffles me a team would build a super creative midfield and have no striker etc.

fair enough reply mate. The fact is though that we NEVER pay the prices quoted? The word on the street is we have committed to £100m for Grealish with certain targets met? We have paid a flat first fee of £75m that can go to £100m easily so Villa know they will get the money and its easier to justify to their fans why they sold him?
The majority opinion is that Kane will be a City player come 1st September. The money narrative is just a distraction to make it seem like Daniel Levy and Spurs are somehow 'in control'.

I’m as bullish as you are on this.

“In control” would be having your club captain not desperate to leave and not scrapping for mid table drudgery.

“In control” would be not sacking your greatest asset (Pochettino) and replacing him with a washed up money grabbing has-been only to then sack him 5 minutes later.

“In control” would be having at least one half competent replacement lined up, and not having a queue for interviews longer than giro day in Liverpool, while it plays out in public to the amusement of absolutely everybody.

Levy is “in control” of jack shit. Harry Kane will be a blue by the end of next week.

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