Has Neil Lennon Always Been a Scunt?

One thing im not getting, maybe coz im not that arsed really

but if some one could clear this up for me...

Lennon is northern irish yeah? so will he be Protestant?

Managing in scotland, Celtic a Catholic club.

His own fans love him (catholics) but the rest hate him.

So is it down to religious reasons or simply him being a shirt front?
UweGoater said:
One thing im not getting, maybe coz im not that arsed really

but if some one could clear this up for me...

Lennon is northern irish yeah? so will he be Protestant?

Managing in scotland, Celtic a Catholic club.

His own fans love him (catholics) but the rest hate him.

So is it down to religious reasons or simply him being a shirt front?

He's a Northern Irish Catholic, hence the reason he's hated so much. He plays on the fact, in fairness credit to him for standing up but he's a horrible little bastard.
bhoywonder said:
ever since he step foot in scotland he hasn't been able to walk the streets because of the pathological hatred that some "people" hold against anyone from the north of ireland who pulls on the hoops. and his retirement from Int. football shows this.

You are a complete reporobate walloper who isn't worth the reply. I honestly Hope that you are just some sick troll because you post some ammount of tosh.

It is FOOTBALL ffs. you don't see the likes of barton or roy keane get bombs for winding up fans.

he cupped his ear en route to the dressing room = kill the man is your logic you sick ****.

Just do me a favour and quote where I said I want neil lennon to die?

No because you won't find one now take your guesses and fuck off to a Celtic board after all this is a city forum.
Stillsy said:
Keep cherping pighenio. So if you were in his situation and absolutely shitting it from someone making your wife and kids life painful and full of hurt by having yourself killed would you then go out and wind them up even more? Do you think his wife and child was sat at home hugging each other when they saw him do it?

If I was his missus I would have fucked off out of the country the second he cupped his ears to the rangers fans and took there daughter with her.

He doesn't give a fuck about his wife or kid otherwise he would keep his stupid gob shut!

He cares about his own little ego and nothing else he doesn't deserve to be a dad.

you don't have a fucking clue do you? If his wife was really going to leave him she would have done it long ago after the shite they have put up with from residents of "the best wee country in the world"

He has been sent:
death threats
bullets ( also sent to 2 celtic players,not surprisingly they were catholic and from NI)
multiple hoax bombs
REAL letter bombs ( also sent to an MP and a QC for crimes of being a celtic fan)
Been taken to safehouses in the middle of the night because of said threats.
He has also,while taking his family to england,been almost murdered because some rangers fan took it upon himself to run him off the road.

It says more about rangers fans rather than Lennon If you really think she should have fleed'd the country.

I guess the next time Someone does the "shhh" celebration against city your going to take matters into your own hands?
Stillsy said:
Keep cherping pighenio. So if you were in his situation and absolutely shitting it from someone making your wife and kids life painful and full of hurt by having yourself killed would you then go out and wind them up even more? Do you think his wife and child was sat at home hugging each other when they saw him do it?

If I was his missus I would have fucked off out of the country the second he cupped his ears to the rangers fans and took there daughter with her.

He doesn't give a fuck about his wife or kid otherwise he would keep his stupid gob shut!

He cares about his own little ego and nothing else he doesn't deserve to be a dad.
And that's deserving of a kicking it it? His wife and kids are probably clever enough to understand he is just doing his job and don't expect mindless little shits to take it too far. It's your whole tone which grates with me to be honest, you post like as if you can't wait for him to get 'whats coming to him' and like it will be amusing to you. Like I said, what if its a fateful blow which connects and he's in a coma for life or brain damaged, or perhaps even worse? You sound as though the bloke last night who got to Lennon is some kind of hero. Also, the irony of you telling Bhoywonder to fuck off to a Celtic board! I mean here you are talking about Celtics manager for fucks sake!
I've got your cards marked though and have come across your type many-a-time in my 33 years. You talk the talk, acting like yer man last night deserves praise but I am willing to gamble 100% of my mortgage that you are the type who stands and watches things like that happen, bigging it all up but would never have the balls to do such a thing yourself. You talk bollocks, always have. I talk bollocks too, ask a large portion of this forum and they will tell you that. I don't mind though because the bollock I talk is all to do with the joy of football, not about people within football getting a kicking for cupping their ears.
Stillsy said:
bhoywonder said:
ever since he step foot in scotland he hasn't been able to walk the streets because of the pathological hatred that some "people" hold against anyone from the north of ireland who pulls on the hoops. and his retirement from Int. football shows this.

You are a complete reporobate walloper who isn't worth the reply. I honestly Hope that you are just some sick troll because you post some ammount of tosh.

It is FOOTBALL ffs. you don't see the likes of barton or roy keane get bombs for winding up fans.

he cupped his ear en route to the dressing room = kill the man is your logic you sick ****.

Just do me a favour and quote where I said I want neil lennon to die?

No because you won't find one now take your guesses and fuck off to a Celtic board after all this is a city forum.

"Yes he is and for that reason alone I cannot wait to watch all of this unfold because trust me there is only gunna be one winner and that's not Lennon"

Is a pretty clear statement that you want things to escalate to levels beyond death threats and punches.

I am dreadfully sorry that I'm not going to sit and watch you post an insane ammount of dribble that you hope to get away with. your showing yourself up for the disgusting mistake for a human that you are.
Pigeonho said:
Stillsy said:
Keep cherping pighenio. So if you were in his situation and absolutely shitting it from someone making your wife and kids life painful and full of hurt by having yourself killed would you then go out and wind them up even more? Do you think his wife and child was sat at home hugging each other when they saw him do it?

If I was his missus I would have fucked off out of the country the second he cupped his ears to the rangers fans and took there daughter with her.

He doesn't give a fuck about his wife or kid otherwise he would keep his stupid gob shut!

He cares about his own little ego and nothing else he doesn't deserve to be a dad.
And that's deserving of a kicking it it? His wife and kids are probably clever enough to understand he is just doing his job and don't expect mindless little shits to take it too far. It's your whole tone which grates with me to be honest, you post like as if you can't wait for him to get 'whats coming to him' and like it will be amusing to you. Like I said, what if its a fateful blow which connects and he's in a coma for life or brain damaged, or perhaps even worse? You sound as though the bloke last night who got to Lennon is some kind of hero. Also, the irony of you telling Bhoywonder to fuck off to a Celtic board! I mean here you are talking about Celtics manager for fucks sake!
I've got your cards marked though and have come across your type many-a-time in my 33 years. You talk the talk, acting like yer man last night deserves praise but I am willing to gamble 100% of my mortgage that you are the type who stands and watches things like that happen, bigging it all up but would never have the balls to do such a thing yourself. You talk bollocks, always have. I talk bollocks too, ask a large portion of this forum and they will tell you that. I don't mind though because the bollock I talk is all to do with the joy of football, not about people within football getting a kicking for cupping their ears.

You haven't really answered what I put. If you was in his situation with your wife and kids in danger would you be winding up people that want to kill you?

Neil Lennon is as thick as they come and maybe a good hiding will teach him that he's being a wanker.

I would be ashamed if I was his wife all he is doing when he does that is thinking about winding fans up when it could have a massive effect on his family. Like I said he doesn't deserve one.

You haven't really answered what I put. If you was in his situation with your wife and kids in danger would you be winding up people that want to kill you?

Neil Lennon is as thick as they come and maybe a good hiding will teach him that he's being a wanker.

I would be ashamed if I was his wife all he is doing when he does that is thinking about winding fans up when it could have a massive effect on his family. Like I said he doesn't deserve one.[/quote]

His wife should not be worried about being murdered for her husband cupping his ears.

simple as that, if you want to delfect and spout your bile go ahead but it really is as simple as that and if you cannot see that it is wrong then there is something wrong with you.

oh and p.s he already got a "good hiding" from 2 rangers fans for no reason
Die_Hard. His wife and kids are in danger because of nob heads like the guy last night. Just listen to what he's 'done'. Cupped his ears. Had a nothing of a spat with McCoist, (which McCoist started but you don't see Celtic fans after him do you). Lennon was fiery as a player and he is as a manager, why shouldn't he be if it brings him success? Because it might trigger some dick head in the stands trying to attack him? Like I say, read what he has done and ask yourself if it is really deserving of people trying to attack him. And for the record if it were me personally, I would quit rather than stop being the way I am. I would quit and move down to England to manage because down here there are just shit houses who stand outside pubs dressed in black, waving arms around and acting like ten men on forums bigging up mindless cunts like the guy last night. I would feel more than safe if thats all that I faced.
Let's get it straight most people ( outside of celtic fans of course) think of it this way

Lennon= bit of a knobend but nobody deserves bombs via the mail because of football.

the people that take exception to this notion are "die_hard" and the other vile creatures who think its fair game to batter/maim someone because of their actions on a football field

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