Has Neil Lennon Always Been a Scunt?

Well done to rangers for coming out with this <a class="postlink" href="http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/248970-rangers-backing-for-neil-lennon/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-p ... um=twitter</a>

they Never needed to since it involved hearts but hopefully it will defuse the situation somewhat. credit to them, if it makes one person not post a bullet/death threat or worse then it's done it's job.
Both clubs should be forced to play behind closed doors

And don't give me that re-emergence of Irish militantism bull,I was on o'connell street for their huge protest,7 scumbags in celtic jerseys,hardly a revolution.
Glasgow Man City said:
Nothing Lennon has done means he deserves what has happened to him this season and what happened with the Hearts fan last night at Tynecastle was 100% wrong.

However, Lennon does not help himself things had died down a bit since the last OF game at Ibrox (even with him cupping his ears to the crowd) and then he comes out on Monday and basically accuses other teams of lying down to Rangers & fans the flames again.

On the one hand you state its 100% wrong and then totally cancel that out with your second paragraph...... you are basically making an excuse for the reason he was attacked ..... but there is NO EXCUSE.
The folk who will end up being hurt is Lennon family SORRY but he needs to get out of there ASAP for his and his familys safety.

I am not keen on the fella but i felt sorry for the guy but when you go manage a team that football and religion go hand in hand then you have to keep a low profile.I bet Walter Smith has never had this stuff happen to him and he has caused more damage to Celtic than any other manager in Rangers history.
I'm sure he is taking his Family into consideration.

If they weren't happy with him continuing then I'm positive he would leave right away. getting "punched" by a fan will be nothing to him,i'm sure he is more concerned about the people who have posted pictures of his kids on facebook.

If he leaves the Bigots win and they know fine well that they can terrorize the next person until he gives in.But then who would want to manage a club when the previous guy was sent bombs/bullets/death threats?
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Glasgow Man City said:
Nothing Lennon has done means he deserves what has happened to him this season and what happened with the Hearts fan last night at Tynecastle was 100% wrong.

However, Lennon does not help himself things had died down a bit since the last OF game at Ibrox (even with him cupping his ears to the crowd) and then he comes out on Monday and basically accuses other teams of lying down to Rangers & fans the flames again.

On the one hand you state its 100% wrong and then totally cancel that out with your second paragraph...... you are basically making an excuse for the reason he was attacked ..... but there is NO EXCUSE.

No I'm not.

FACT 1 : It was 100% wrong and there is no excuse.
FACT 2 : Things had calmed down a bit & Lennon fanned the flames on Monday.

Opinion : Would the twat still have attacked Lennon without that interview, possibly because he(the attacker) is clearly an out and out bellend
Glasgow Man City said:
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Glasgow Man City said:
Nothing Lennon has done means he deserves what has happened to him this season and what happened with the Hearts fan last night at Tynecastle was 100% wrong.

However, Lennon does not help himself things had died down a bit since the last OF game at Ibrox (even with him cupping his ears to the crowd) and then he comes out on Monday and basically accuses other teams of lying down to Rangers & fans the flames again.

On the one hand you state its 100% wrong and then totally cancel that out with your second paragraph...... you are basically making an excuse for the reason he was attacked ..... but there is NO EXCUSE.

No I'm not.

FACT 1 : It was 100% wrong and there is no excuse.
FACT 2 : Things had calmed down a bit & Lennon fanned the flames on Monday.

Opinion : Would the twat still have attacked Lennon without that interview, possibly because he(the attacker) is clearly an out and out bellend

The interview I saw showed Lennon categorically stating that he did NOT accuse Hearts of lying down...can you show the other interview where he did a 180 degrees turn?
bluetoo said:
Glasgow Man City said:
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Glasgow Man City said:
Nothing Lennon has done means he deserves what has happened to him this season and what happened with the Hearts fan last night at Tynecastle was 100% wrong.

However, Lennon does not help himself things had died down a bit since the last OF game at Ibrox (even with him cupping his ears to the crowd) and then he comes out on Monday and basically accuses other teams of lying down to Rangers & fans the flames again.

On the one hand you state its 100% wrong and then totally cancel that out with your second paragraph...... you are basically making an excuse for the reason he was attacked ..... but there is NO EXCUSE.

No I'm not.

FACT 1 : It was 100% wrong and there is no excuse.
FACT 2 : Things had calmed down a bit & Lennon fanned the flames on Monday.

Opinion : Would the twat still have attacked Lennon without that interview, possibly because he(the attacker) is clearly an out and out bellend

The interview I saw showed Lennon categorically stating that he did NOT accuse Hearts of lying down...can you show the other interview where he did a 180 degrees turn?

No Problem,

Here http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobil...-rangers-as-title-goes-down-to-wire-1.1100286
Is it true that Neil Lennon spat on a Rangers scarf right infront of the Rangers fans whilst playing in an old firm derby?

I don't know alot about this fella but he doesn't seem a particularly nice chap to me.

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