Has Thatcher died?

pissedagain said:
good old maggie, this country was on its knees when she took over...labour even borrowed money off the IMF to spend and its the same spending that has got us fucked up this time

THIS-Labour and its followers to an extent are spenders-they make no provision for the future and look for short term fixes.

Hence why Gordon Brown sold our gold reserves for a song, or why people earning 20k a year could get triple that amount on credit cards.....and now the shit has hit the fan, lets blame those nasty old tories.
pissedagain said:
good old maggie, this country was on its knees when she took over...labour even borrowed money off the IMF to spend and its the same spending that has got us fucked up this time
People seem to think the UK was a veritable paradise before 1979. It wasn't.

We were pumping money into dying industries, paying outrageous pay settlements to unions who had no compunction about trampling all over the weaker members of society, had massive inflation which destroyed peoples' savings, had to go crawling to the IMF for emergency loans and had high taxes without the services we would expect for those.

There's no doubt that some people got hurt from 1979 onwards but, my god, we needed something doing and someone with the balls to do it.
The day this evil old witch dies is the day the bunting comes out in my house and the beers are on me. Just hope that when she does finally croak she is in as much pain as she caused the millions of innocent, decent citizens she systematically shafted.
Prestwich_Blue said:
pissedagain said:
good old maggie, this country was on its knees when she took over...labour even borrowed money off the IMF to spend and its the same spending that has got us fucked up this time
People seem to think the UK was a veritable paradise before 1979. It wasn't.

We were pumping money into dying industries, paying outrageous pay settlements to unions who had no compunction about trampling all over the weaker members of society, had massive inflation which destroyed peoples' savings, had to go crawling to the IMF for emergency loans and had high taxes without the services we would expect for those.

There's no doubt that some people got hurt from 1979 onwards but, my god, we needed something doing and someone with the balls to do it.

"Some people got hurt"?

She ripped the guts out of millions of peoples lives,mainly in the North.
pominoz said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
People seem to think the UK was a veritable paradise before 1979. It wasn't.

We were pumping money into dying industries, paying outrageous pay settlements to unions who had no compunction about trampling all over the weaker members of society, had massive inflation which destroyed peoples' savings, had to go crawling to the IMF for emergency loans and had high taxes without the services we would expect for those.

There's no doubt that some people got hurt from 1979 onwards but, my god, we needed something doing and someone with the balls to do it.

"Some people got hurt"?

She ripped the guts out of millions of peoples lives,mainly in the North.

** who believed the country owed them a living and they could hold the country to ransom at the drop of a hat.

The miners lost, it was over 20 years ago, get over it.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
pominoz said:
"Some people got hurt"?

She ripped the guts out of millions of peoples lives,mainly in the North.

** who believed the country owed them a living and they could hold the country to ransom at the drop of a hat.

The miners lost, it was over 20 years ago, get over it.

i can't believe you still think it was just about the miners

you are so ignorant it's untrue

you are also a charlatan and an enemy of your own roots

i think you may be wumming though...
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
pominoz said:
"Some people got hurt"?

She ripped the guts out of millions of peoples lives,mainly in the North.

** who believed the country owed them a living and they could hold the country to ransom at the drop of a hat.

The miners lost, it was over 20 years ago, get over it.

Unemployment went from 1.4 mill in 1979 to 3.5mill in 1982,all miners were they?

20% of working age people in Northern Ireland,16% in Scotland,Northeast and Northwest England (strong tory areas?),were out of work.
Yes,it was 20+ years ago,when you were sat on your rich Uncles knee.It was also a time when proud men were killing themselves and familys were ripped apart.
Unless you lived it,do not make light of it.
pominoz said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
** who believed the country owed them a living and they could hold the country to ransom at the drop of a hat.

The miners lost, it was over 20 years ago, get over it.

Unemployment went from 1.4 mill in 1979 to 3.5mill in 1982,all miners were they?

20% of working age people in Northern Ireland,16% in Scotland,Northeast and Northwest England (strong tory areas?),were out of work.
Yes,it was 20+ years ago,when you were sat on your rich Uncles knee.It was also a time when proud men were killing themselves and familys were ripped apart.
Unless you lived it,do not make light of it.

And many of these once proud men and women that were thrown on the economic scrapheap never workes again, and in too many cases their offspring have never had the chance to obtain gainful full time employment because this witch ripped the heart out of communities in every part of the knigdom that wasnt a tory area.
law74 said:
pominoz said:
Unemployment went from 1.4 mill in 1979 to 3.5mill in 1982,all miners were they?

20% of working age people in Northern Ireland,16% in Scotland,Northeast and Northwest England (strong tory areas?),were out of work.
Yes,it was 20+ years ago,when you were sat on your rich Uncles knee.It was also a time when proud men were killing themselves and familys were ripped apart.
Unless you lived it,do not make light of it.

And many of these once proud men and women that were thrown on the economic scrapheap never workes again, and in too many cases their offspring have never had the chance to obtain gainful full time employment because this witch ripped the heart out of communities in every part of the knigdom that wasnt a tory area.

The thing is though, "little lord fauntleroy", and his mates can not see that they are now reaping what the old cow sowed.
A whole generation brought up with no work,no hope and no respect.
What did they exspect?
Kick a dog enough times,it will bite you,and Thatcher and her henchmen saw us as their dogs.
ok lefties when thatcher took over the country was on its knees, ditto this time, you can tackle it head on or just plod along, its not hard, forget about people lost their jobs cos i lost mine under maggie but i had the brains to work out that the country needed sorting out

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