Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

That's an opinion and I admit we'd only really know maybe 5 years further down the line. Maybe we should wait and see then, that'll no doubt be for the best.
Well, in about two years we’ll have PM Starmer and for all his faults he doesn’t strike me as the type to build concentration camps. I suppose I could be very surprised.
The comparison I was making in my previous post was highlighting the low/high public profile of the poster, not the subject matter.

If I posted that the government were shit*, who would care? if Pep posted that on twitter then there would be a pile on from all areas of society.

This is why I think lineker should have exercised caution as he is undoubtedly high profile.

I am not sure how different our views are, but it seems to matter more to you so I will leave it there as I dont intend to offend anyone.

*not necessarily my real opinion, just an example to highlight my point, so no politically motivated replies please.
exactly , why doesn't he go into politics . The answer is he has more influence from his current high profile situation
Not really though is it. That is an hysterical overreaction.
No, the hysterical overeaction has been the reaction to somebody simply opposing the policy and pointing out similarities to the way the government were using language. The hysteria has come from those saying he was comparing the government to nazis and the genocide committed by them.
It makes sense. If you take a very evil event and say it is similar to a normal everyday experience, then you are implying the evil event wasn’t particularly evil.

For instance “Harold Shipman was only like a hospice nurse”, or “people who protest are the same as arena bomber Salman Abedi”. It is offensive to trivialise evil by saying it is similar to something not evil. These statements are not only offensive to hospice nurses or protestors. They are offensive to anyone who understands the evils of the events they are compared to, because they minimise and trivialise those evil actions.

It is offensive to trivialise the holocaust by comparing it to current UK government immigration policy. This is especially true of the Nazi period in Germany, more so than my previous examples, because of the long history of holocaust denial and antisemitism across the world.
Dear Chris B i note you have chosen not answer my question relating what actual holocaust survivors thought of Suella B. I can't think why
But Lineker hasn’t compared anything to the holocaust.
No, he was one step away, but there is enough awareness of the where the Nazi regime led to understand what he was implying.

If he was saying the current government is similar to a period of the Nazi rule when Germany was peaceful and well run, it would be a very strange argument to make.

It is clear he is saying the Home Secretary is leading us towards a holocaust like future. There is literally no other sensible interpretation of his words.
Dear Chris B i note you have chosen not answer my question relating what actual holocaust survivors thought of Suella B. I can't think why
Dealing with a lot of questions here bud, I’ll get back to it.

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