Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

No, you need to improve your comprehension skills. What is said was, and I quote “I’m not saying that this kind of comparison can never be done”. If a holocaust survivor sees a connection based on their experience then they obviously have more leeway than someone like Lineker who does not have that background.

Likewise, it is understandable that a holocaust survivor would be prone to over sensitivity to such issues, and that their judgement might be skewed by that, as all of our judgements are informed by our life experiences. I think they have every right to talk about their experiences, I don’t think that same right extends to those who never suffered the same fate. It doesn’t mean they are right, of course.

That‘s big of you. I’m sure a Holocaust survivor would be gratified they have your blessing to reference their experiences, even if they, as you so charmingly put it, will have their ‘judgement skewed‘ by that experience. By this you mean their judgment is ‘unreliable’.

I could be wrong, but I’m starting to get a certain vibe from your posts…
The thread title...

The Tories are fighting to remain in power, but also fighting to make things as difficult as possible for Labour, should they lose the next GE. As such, they are filling the Lords with extra people on their side, also putting Tories in charge of anything they can, while changing laws and making it harder for certain demographics to vote. They have Tories running the BBC and wanted to sell off C4 because they have programs which sometimes criticise the leadership.

All meanwhile coming up with some policies that are very far right. They're doing this to reposition what is classed as centrist further to the right - as a result Labour also move further right. It's a dangerous situation overall.
You mention our current regime is not "immensely evil", however that will only be determined after the fact. They are currently ticking many boxes for what determines a fascist leadership and their lack of care for other human beings would at least make me think of them as "slightly evil" tbh.

For what it's worth, I think all the discussion of what he said and whether he should have is ridiculous. You're a lot more critical of his comment (which matches comments made by actual holocaust survivors) than of comments, policy and behaviour by our government. I can only presume you'd still be standing by them if they were herding unfortunates into camps.
I don’t think I’ve ever stood by the government. They’re not really involved in this, Lineker’s comments just happened to be about them. Lineker is perfectly within his rights to criticise them, subject to his agreements with the BBC. I just think people shouldn’t invoke the evils of nazism lightly, which is what Lineker did in my opinion. Trivialising the holocaust is antisemitic. Lineker should probably find better comparisons in future.

Millions died in the holocaust due to direct murder by the state. If you seriously think the current government actions around immigration are similar to that, or look like they’re leading to that, then you lack a sense of proportion.
I don’t think I’ve ever stood by the government. They’re not really involved in this, Lineker’s comments just happened to be about them. Lineker is perfectly within his rights to criticise them, subject to his agreements with the BBC. I just think people shouldn’t invoke the evils of nazism lightly, which is what Lineker did in my opinion. Trivialising the holocaust is antisemitic. Lineker should probably find better comparisons in future.

Millions died in the holocaust due to direct murder by the state. If you seriously think the current government actions around immigration are similar to that, or look like they’re leading to that, then you lack a sense of proportion.

When someone tells you that you would stand by while people are herded into camps you would be inclined to think that making any point other than giving them oxygen is fruitless.
It's funny to see that the people who say its shit without commentary etc are the same people who say they watch the game in mute when X commentator is on
I don’t think I’ve ever stood by the government. They’re not really involved in this, Lineker’s comments just happened to be about them. Lineker is perfectly within his rights to criticise them, subject to his agreements with the BBC. I just think people shouldn’t invoke the evils of nazism lightly, which is what Lineker did in my opinion. Trivialising the holocaust is antisemitic. Lineker should probably find better comparisons in future.

Millions died in the holocaust due to direct murder by the state. If you seriously think the current government actions around immigration are similar to that, or look like they’re leading to that, then you lack a sense of proportion.
Nobody did ,you know they didn't. So why make it about something that it isn't, why the diversion from the real story ?
I don’t think I’ve ever stood by the government. They’re not really involved in this, Lineker’s comments just happened to be about them. Lineker is perfectly within his rights to criticise them, subject to his agreements with the BBC. I just think people shouldn’t invoke the evils of nazism lightly, which is what Lineker did in my opinion. Trivialising the holocaust is antisemitic. Lineker should probably find better comparisons in future.

Millions died in the holocaust due to direct murder by the state. If you seriously think the current government actions around immigration are similar to that, or look like they’re leading to that, then you lack a sense of proportion.

Lineker did nothing to trivialise it.

Your last paragraph... It's a bit like people who spent months locked down to avoid COVID then saying that it was all pointless because they didn't catch it. Well they didn't catch it because of lockdown.

You highlight dangers so they can be avoided. Just because you then successfully avoid them doesn't mean the danger didn't exist and wasn't real.

This government is already directly causing suffering to many and doing nothing to help them other than blame everything on asylum seekers and immigrants. If I was an immigrant in this country at present, I'd be very worried about the future and my safety.
I think this could allow Michael Barrymore back into the big time. He would be perfect for cheap laughs they look for and pool party 'bants' with Micah.

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