Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

No he wasn't, it was his whole point. It is similar. Not identical, but similar.
But it’s not similar. There are no death camps or mass murders. We’re not going to have any, it’s not the same situation. The only camp been built is a refugee camp in France using UK tax payers money. The current situation is in no way similar to the evils of Nazi Germany. That is why using it as a comparison is trivialising, and that is why it is offensive.
When someone tells you that you would stand by while people are herded into camps you would be inclined to think that making any point other than giving them oxygen is fruitless.

Apologies to @Chris B if my previous comment went a bit far, it probably did.

However, it does seem like the only occasion where you think it will be okay to compare anything to Nazi Germany would be if we have concentration camps and 6m dead. Well, I'd rather highlight the potential dangers before we ever get to that point than sit here 10 years down the line and say, yes we are now like Nazi Germany.
But it’s not similar. There are no death camps or mass murders. We’re not going to have any, it’s not the same situation. The only camp been built is a refugee camp in France using UK tax payers money. The current situation is in no way similar to the evils of Nazi Germany. That is why using it as a comparison is trivialising, and that is why it is offensive.

The language is similar to that used to enable and normalise hatred of minority groups at that time. That was the first step. The first step of many before you get to 'full blown Nazi Germany'.
But it’s not similar. There are no death camps or mass murders. We’re not going to have any, it’s not the same situation. The only camp been built is a refugee camp in France using UK tax payers money. The current situation is in no way similar to the evils of Nazi Germany. That is why using it as a comparison is trivialising, and that is why it is offensive.
I think you’re deliberately being obtuse and are ignoring the points that people have repeatedly made because they don’t fit in with your agenda.
This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
It makes sense. If you take a very evil event and say it is similar to a normal everyday experience, then you are implying the evil event wasn’t particularly evil.

For instance “Harold Shipman was only like a hospice nurse”, or “people who protest are the same as arena bomber Salman Abedi”. It is offensive to trivialise evil by saying it is similar to something not evil. These statements are not only offensive to hospice nurses or protestors. They are offensive to anyone who understands the evils of the events they are compared to, because they minimise and trivialise those evil actions.

It is offensive to trivialise the holocaust by comparing it to current UK government immigration policy. This is especially true of the Nazi period in Germany, more so than my previous examples, because of the long history of holocaust denial and antisemitism across the world.
The language is similar to that used to enable and normalise hatred of minority groups at that time. That was the first step. The first step of many before you get to 'full blown Nazi Germany'.
Not really though is it. That is an hysterical overreaction.
Not really though is it. That is an hysterical overreaction.

That's an opinion and I admit we'd only really know maybe 5 years further down the line. Maybe we should wait and see then, that'll no doubt be for the best.
Apologies to @Chris B if my previous comment went a bit far, it probably did.

However, it does seem like the only occasion where you think it will be okay to compare anything to Nazi Germany would be if we have concentration camps and 6m dead. Well, I'd rather highlight the potential dangers before we ever get to that point than sit here 10 years down the line and say, yes we are now like Nazi Germany.
I just don’t see that as a valid comparison. We are so far away from that it is borderline offensive. Not offensive to the government who are big enough to take it, but offensive t i those who suffered.

Overuse of the Nazi warning is weakening it. That overuse is already famously encoded in the form of Godwin’s law. It is counterproductive and wrong to use it in the way Lineker did. It’s not the crime of the century, and not even an actual crime, but it is mildly offensive.
I just don’t see that as a valid comparison. We are so far away from that it is borderline offensive. Not offensive to the government who are big enough to take it, but offensive t i those who suffered.

Overuse of the Nazi warning is weakening it. That overuse is already famously encoded in the form of Godwin’s law. It is counterproductive and wrong to use it in the way Lineker did. It’s not the crime of the century, and not even an actual crime, but it is mildly offensive.
Are you going to admit your Klopp comparison with Nazi Germany was offensive?

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