Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

I think the idea is to explore workable ideas and improvements. i.e debate? In this case, could we not use Embassies to vet applicants if, as so many posters assert, that it is very, very easy and very, very quick? I also think you will find that the nub of the problem is those dull people with closed minds (bigots) who do not think that change can occur and are not open to alternate suggestions.
I think the idea is to explore workable ideas and improvements. i.e debate? In this case, could we not use Embassies to vet applicants if, as so many posters assert, that it is very, very easy and very, very quick? I also think you will find that the nub of the problem is those dull people with closed minds (bigots) who do not think that change can occur and are not open to alternate suggestions.
Here is the nub of the problem.
People posting without the faintest idea of the problems.

For information the answer is no.
They never have.
I think the idea is to explore workable ideas and improvements. i.e debate? In this case, could we not use Embassies to vet applicants if, as so many posters assert, that it is very, very easy and very, very quick? I also think you will find that the nub of the problem is those dull people with closed minds (bigots) who do not think that change can occur and are not open to alternate suggestions.

Sorry, that was in reply to denislawbackheel not a general comment.
In Nazi Germany it did. In the UK it started with a carpet bombing campaign totally destabilising countries & displacing thousands & creating migrants.

I don’t see the UK starting a propaganda campaign which moves along with people being starved, poisoned & placed in ovens.
However all sides labour & Tory have been responsible for migrants arriving with our foreign policy.

I’ve just seen Linekers latest tweet, it was very well put.
The language that has been directed at minorities both citizens and non-nationals by the govt since 2010 has been the same language that started off that domino effect in the 30s though.

I agree with you saying that bombing the Middle East and other countries was what created more migration, but that doesn’t make the language or policies any different.

The UK govt refer to people seeking asylum in this country as a swarm, as an invasion, as illegals, as pretty much anything other than as people. The UK govt sent advertising vans driving round telling people to “go back home” and put up posters of massive queues saying “we are full”

There is a very good scene in the film Inglorious Basterds, where Standartenführer Hans Landa explains very well to a French farmer harbouring Jews, how the Nazi party could treat Jewish people the way they did. Comparing them to rats. I recommend you check it out.
In Nazi Germany it did. In the UK it started with a carpet bombing campaign totally destabilising countries & displacing thousands & creating migrants.

I don’t see the UK starting a propaganda campaign which moves along with people being starved, poisoned & placed in ovens.
However all sides labour & Tory have been responsible for migrants arriving with our foreign policy.

I’ve just seen Linekers latest tweet, it was very well put.
Blair and Brown with their illegal war was the root cause. Everything we've had to deal with since was caused by them!! Ultimately Displacing 10’s of millions across a huge region all stemmed from that decision! They should both be in jail….
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Blair and Brown with their illegal war was the route cause. Everything we've had to deal with since was caused by them!! Ultimately Displacing 10’s of millions across a huge region all stemmed from that decision! They should both be in jail….
They should be, and so should Cameron who did the same thing in Libya. But now we have to deal with the world we are in and not make one wrong into two wrongs.
I thought it was great to watch the highlights with just the noise from the crowd it was so refreshing and if they bring that option in keep it.
I want subtitles for the crowd noise as I can’t hear the real thing.
Shaw mocked with chants of: GET YOUR TITS OUT FOR THE LADS.
Sorry but his comments were bang on - IMHO. The language being used by this government with regards to this particular issue ISN'T dissimilar to the language that was being used in 1930s Germany. No-one is suggesting that the government is going to end up killing millions of innocent people like the Nazis did but at the very least the language they're using is going to fire up the more extremist elements of our country and probably rope a fair few others in on top of that. I'm just surprised that Sunak signed off on it but he's clearly pandering to the far-right in his own party.
You should post a few quotes for those of us who never listen to politicians.

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