Have a laugh at spurs fans

How long before 'Appy 'Arry declares that they were "blown out of the water by City?"

Im sure he has a long list of McKay's clients who he can appease the fans by signing. Barton to Spurs anyone?

You have to laugh at the one stating they were interested in Santa while Hughes was still at Blackburn. Maybe he should check back through the archives and read that Sven was trying to sign him from Bayern and then tried again in January. Boo fucking Hoo, we are more appealing than Spuds. I just wish their club would grow a pair, the way they backed down and got buggered by Manure over the Berbatov fiasco was frankly embarrassing. Pacified with some bung money and a loan signing of Frazier Campbell.
Eighteen82 if you are reading this you are a fucking pleb

I'd personally hate to be in the position City are in. Whether there deluded fans realise it or not they have very little pull to the club and the only chance they had of signing some of the players they have and some they undoubtedly will get is because of the money that they offer. They are not the type of players we want at our club, and I'm glad they have gone to City over us. In a world where money rules Football I'd hate to know we have players that are only at our club for the paycheck and not the attraction/ambition of the club itself.

Don't you realise the amount of money you have fritterd away in the last quarter of a century? and for what?? a couple of carling cup wins?

Little pull as well?

Eastlands > White Hart Lane
45k average > 36k average
Robinho > Keane
Tea Lady > Bent facking twitcher
Oasis > Chas and Dave
I lived in North London for a while and I have to say that the Spurs supporters that I met were much the same as us Blues in terms of passion, loyalty, and intense dislike of their nearest neighbours. They do have a decent history and tradition, but they are perhaps a little unrealistic in their expectations. But then so are we usually! Personally I wish them luck in their eternal struggle against Arsenal, whose fans in my experience were much more like the rags....pompous, arrogant and more often than not of the plastic variety.
A load of Spurs fans were staying in Dussledorf at our Hotel when we played Schalke. Most were handy lads but they were cool.

My only other real meeting with Spurs was walking back to the railway station after the 1981 reply when the cops sent me & my dad the wrong way. They really pissed me off that night on our tour but I suppose we'd be the same.

Think at the end of the day just like Darker Shade they may slag us off, we did the same with Chelsea but they'd love to be in our position.
What pisses me off royally is this assumption that all players that play for other clubs apart from city are doing it for the love of the game. There isnt many players now who feel any real loyalty to a club, the few i can think of are:

Lampard (Maybe)
Terry (Maybe)

Apart from those select few most if not all are in it for the paycheck and will go to the team that offers them the most in terms of cash and chances (hence the top four having bigger pull) as they can offer the same type of cash and poss more chances of winning a trophy. However outside of that there is very little to choose in terms of where a player goes and rightly or wrongly most will go for the bigger paycheck at the end of the day.

Some might say european football has a sway but unless there is a very real chance of winning the trophy it makes no difference to alot of people.

So get it through your heads people (specifically spurs fans), players play for your money, they dont love your club as much as you do no matter what they say, so if they go to someone else dont be bitter and say they dont deserve to wear the shirt, just move onto the next target and appreciate the players you get instead of being bitters towards the ones you dont.

Once a Blue always a Blue.

Players get bought and sold. They're not fans. All you can ask is for commitment whilst they are here
mancboy123 said:
What pisses me off royally is this assumption that all players that play for other clubs apart from city are doing it for the love of the game. There isnt many players now who feel any real loyalty to a club, the few i can think of are:

Gerrard Was very nearly tempted by Chelsea, while he stayed, he very nearly went
Rooney Done the dirty on his boyhood heroes less than a week after saying "Once a blue, always a blue" to join the rags
Lampard (Maybe) West Ham fans still have a certain degree of dislike of the way he left for ChelseaTerry (Maybe)

Bent manager with a bent chairman and Bent as a player.

Could it get any worse for them.
The thing is you can't blame them.

If they had been taken over by our owners, or Everton, or Villa or someone else, and they were doing what we are, how fucking jealous would be be!

I'd be fucking gutted that they were doing what we are, and we were stuck in the same old rut as usual. It's jealousy, and you can't blame them, we'd be exactly the same

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