I will moan when i want , i moaned through 30 odd barren years , so i will moan when we are the best team in the land that's my perogative , forums are for airing your frustrations no matter how big or great we are now as a football club , what f*cking difference does that make ?
The club also gets plenty of praise from myself but because i dare to critcise our now "massive" club on occasion i am self entitled , go and f*ck off.
Ive earned the right to post what the f*ck i want, been there got the T=shirt and done York away like the other 90k at Bootham Crescent and dont answer to wankers throwing accusations of self entitlement around , ive got the many thread bans to prove it.
No i dont think i am bigger blue than anyone else , just loyal will and defend and support my club whether we are in the third tier of football or playing in the Champs league final , means f*ck all to me because your born to be a blue in my family.