Have you seen some of the comments from neutrals!?

Henkeman said:
Well, this one claims that they're all neutrals:


The lad in question seems keener on a crafty feel than anything else mind.

top lad hahahaha
Again, not someone who could be described as neutral (he's a disillusioned rag and FC United fan) but this from Jerry Bullivant who writes the FootballIsFixed blog:

Seriously Organised Crime Doesn't Always Pay

The Asian Sheikh defeats the King of the Premier League Underworld.

Proper Football backed by Petrodollars defeats the Insider Trading, Match Rigging, Referee Controlling, Transfer Fixing, Third Party ######, Money ##########, Masonic #########, Hyperreality Distorting, Horserace ######, Asian Bookmaker Befriending, Cyclical Cheating Knight of the Realm.

A Union Man...
... and All those Millions Stashed at Goldman Sachs Too.

Ferguson's desperate attempts to turn the English Premier League into the Ukrainian Premier League have failed beautifully.

For all our input aiding City to the title...we demand our Championship medal!!
had texts from around the country and around the world yesterday from fans of all sorts of clubs and lots of "non-footy" folk congratulating us....

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUpDW2K01_o" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUpDW2K01_o</a>

and this

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_w04pm2tG4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_w04pm2tG4</a>

say it all really...
As a West Ham fan, i've seen a great deal of similarities between your fans and our fans over the years. The long enduring suffering, and it is for you, as fans, that I am so pleased.

Well done Fellas, enjoy it and don't be spoiled by it.

A thread on our site, with a mixed reaction. Although countless fans on here commending your conduct through the years, and a reciprocated respect for each other:
Just wanted to congratulate City for an amazing title win yesterday. What a way to do it! My own team Celtic lifted the league trophy yesterday but city's win came as a breath of fresh air. Just like someone said before, I don't think I've celebrated a non-Celtic goal like the I did yesterday for quite some time. It was an excellent win and thoroughly deserved.

Well done guys! Maybe we'll meet in the CL lol.
Like most of us I've received many messages from fans of other clubs, so I say a big thank you to all of them. Reading this thread is heart warming, some things have restored my faith in the beautiful game, firstly the universal reaction to the Muamba incident and secondly the genuine goodwill and kindness we are receiving, starting with the Geordies last week and continuing today.
It's been humbling, but I can't say I'm surprised.

I do wonder what all these neutrals' reactions would have been if JT hadn't slipped in Moscow. Probably "take that Ronaldo you sad bastard". As it was I think they all politely applauded and said "oh well". I mainly felt sorry for Avram Grant that night.

I was working in a pub in '99 and even as a City fan I had to laugh incredulously whilst tipping my hat as they beat Munich. I also remember being gutted when Portugal beat the plucky Croatians with a goal in extra time in the Euros a few years back. I was dismayed and embarrassed when Zidane got sent off; but redirected my anger at Materazzi in the following days. These collective moments, whomever you support, are fleeting, but they're what makes football truly special for everyone involved.

I suspect there are a lot of utd fans who are feeling incredibly lonely today and I've no doubt most will retreat back into their angry mantra of "we're utd, this lack of success just isn't good enough, we deserve to win everything" mode that they peddled for 26 years before Fergie finally managed to find the players who were desperate enough to turn that arrogance into results. When Fergie retires/dies I hope he takes some of their arrogance with him because we've shown football that you CAN win the league without being a total c**t to everyone else, and without cheating, and you can be on the verge of losing the league on the last day without it being the end of the world, and without sounding bitter. On the latter point, I think most rags do reluctantly accept that we were the best team this season and deserved to win it - most had accepted that after the 1-6 but desperation counts for a lot in football.

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