Helen the bell ringer

A great woman. Think she passed away before we moved to CoMS, fitting in a way, she was a real icon of Maine Road. Probably the most high-profile City fan of all time. Did a lot of fundraising, by all accounts. I'll be honest, her bell bloody annoyed me at times, but a real symbol of the club, would love to hear it ringing out at Eastlands now she's gone. She had a flower stall at one of the hospitals for years, may've been St Mary's, i forget now. There's a great photo of her on the pitch with the team after one of our cup final wins (before we became allergic to silverware!). RIP Hells. A true legend.
She did get to COMS the first season even though she was ill she passed in 05
Will never forget Helen .
I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I watch a lot of old Football footage..,all teams,..but Maine Road,City at home ,Colin the King scoring ,Joe Corrigan looking disconsolate,and That iconic sound of the Bell ringing in The North Stand is a common feature in all the old City games.
Love it.
She was a tough old bird our Helen no one crossed her and she was always on hand to give out advice even if not needed, she once told my girlfriend now wife how to train your man ha ha she was wonderful miss seeing her at games and defo miss that bell.
She used to come down our street in Hulme when I was a kid, in her costermonger's van driven by her husband (Percy, if I recall correctly? and sometimes she was helped by her son, Lance, I think?)

She'd shout out 'Taters! Getyerfruit'n'veg now! Taters!', all the while ringing that bell. All the little ones nearby would run after the van shouting 'Taters!' which would have her rocking with laughter, then when the van stopped she'd share some fruit or berries with them. Sometimes she'd let the little ones have a go at ringing the bell.. always really kind to young kids.

Then from around the promotion season in 65/66, she began appearing at games, bringing her bell to gee up the lads on the pitch. She'd never be allowed to bring that bell in through the turnstiles nowadays!

Eeeeee..'appy days!
She died in September 2005 and I'm fairly sure she attended a few games at Eastlands in her wheelchair.

She lived near The Kings Arms pub in Chorlton On Medlock near me. She sold flowers at the entrance to Manchester Royal Infirmary.

She was a very down to earth true blue.

She was a tough character with a heart of gold.
I used to drink in that pub and lived on Haymans Walk...........knew loads of lads round that estate. Yeah she lived near that primary school ........all since gone including The Kings
She was a tough old bird our Helen no one crossed her
Yes She was tough.no messing.ive heard folk say how she protected young blues at Forest ,after the match,back in the 70s.
Forest was a rough place to go Back in the day...well by all accounts she used that bell to ward off home fans and protect young blues Trentside, from being attacked by home fans...

Did great work for City behind the scenes too,in the ,at the time spartan commercial office. I often used to bump into her in the old office set between North Stand and Family stand...I did quite a bit of fund raising myself for City supporters club..back in the day.
Selling scratch cards and passing Football cards round at work through the week.i imagine Helen raised way more than me !
Helen Turner Manchester City Legend...2nd only to Anita Britton who ran the Leicester and rugby supporters club late 80s,and did so much to help me and others get to watch City.

I miss those days.

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