Hillsborough - The Search for Truth

Rascal said:
Im hoping the programme tonight shows the JFT96 campaign in a very good light and hammers the powers that have hid justice from the families in the very bad light they deserve to be portrayed in.


I posted on a thread about a rolling news clip (Youtube) on the disaster in the immediate aftermath. The blame was clearly placed on the Police. Amazing how public perception was changed so dramatically.

Here goes.

I was at blackburn on the day of hillsborough watching us get hammered 4-0 and always remember being on the platform at the train station and someone with a radio on said 50 scousers have died at the semi final...

when I got home my mum gave me the biggest hug as she thought it was our game it had happened at.....the thing that always sticks in my mind is the sunday papers showing the crushed faces of the Liverpool fans....it still makes me feel shit thinking about it today!!
Never ever forget having a piss in some 18th century shite toilet block at half time at Ewood Park and the stories of Scousers causing trouble were filtering through and was met with typical Manc responses. Coming away from the ground after being battered 4-0 I think the result soon became an insignificant part of the day as the numbers of dead rose by the minute. Got into Manchester and the Pink Final had a photo on the front with somebody crushed up against a fence and some young Reds taking the piss. I went mad at them but I don't think for one minute they realised the magnitude of what had happened. A week later I placed a City scarf and a rosette on the Anfield turf and it was a sight I'll never forget. Walking around the ground and seeing messages left on seats or parts of the Kop where those that had died sat or stood was gut wrenching. There but for the grace of god and all that - poor buggers bless them all. My eyes are glazed just writing this.
Blue2112 said:
Never ever forget having a piss in some 18th century shite toilet block at half time at Ewood Park and the stories of Scousers causing trouble were filtering through and was met with typical Manc responses. Coming away from the ground after being battered 4-0 I think the result soon became an insignificant part of the day as the numbers of dead rose by the minute. Got into Manchester and the Pink Final had a photo on the front with somebody crushed up against a fence and some young Reds taking the piss. I went mad at them but I don't think for one minute they realised the magnitude of what had happened. A week later I placed a City scarf and a rosette on the Anfield turf and it was a sight I'll never forget. Walking around the ground and seeing messages left on seats or parts of the Kop where those that had died sat or stood was gut wrenching. There but for the grace of god and all that - poor buggers bless them all. My eyes are glazed just writing this.

Yeah mate. those days and fences and archaic policing put us all in danger just because we loved our team.

That documetary was heartbreaking because it could quite easily have been us or anyone we know and the cunts covered up the mistakes and let the families rot for years. A national disgrace to me.

I have left a City scarf at the Hillsborough memorial, a couple of scouse lads there just nodded thanks and i nodded back because we are footy fans not fucking animals like it was portayed back in the day.

I hope the cunts responsible for the cover up get banged up for longer than the 24 years its took the families to get some justice
Was at Blackburn myself that day. Everyone saying the same things, wondering what the fuck the scousers had been up to again. We all thought it was another Heysel. Got home and it became apparent it was nothing like that. The pictures were harrowing. The awful realisation that it could have been absolutely any one of us.

Easy to say now, but I genuinely mean it, at the time I knew there was no way this was an accident or tragedy that could be laid at the feet of the fans.

The cover up by the police, the judiciary and successive governments stinks and shakes any faith you have in "the system" to the very core. I'll not bother repeating the questions that continually get asked; I'll just carry on trying to reconcile the depth of the cover up.

God only knows how the families feel as each new piece of evidence formulates the awful truth.
Wednesday April 19 1989.

Front page of The Sun "The Truth".
Yesterday's sale: 4,310,811
Thought of the day: "Kop of Shame".

Sub Headlines:

*Some fans picked pockets of victims
*Some fans urinated on the brave cops
*Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life

Here's some of the extracts from the article written by Harry Arnold & John Askill.

DRUNKEN Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims of the Hillsborough Soccer disaster, it was revealed last night.

Sheffield MP Irvine Patnick revealed that in one shameful episode, a gang of Liverpool fans noticed that the blouse of a girl trampled to death had risen above her breasts. As a a policeman struggled in vain to revive her, the mob jeered. "Throw her up here, and we will **** her."

One furious policeman who witnessed Saurday's carnage stormed: "To paint all the Liverpool fans as lily-whites is wrong. As we struggled in appalling conditions to save lives, fans standing further up the terrace were openly urinating on us and the bodies of the dead.

Disgraceful reporting and the reason that awful publication is still not read in Liverpool to this day.
amazing how the sun or police force never had any pictures to back these comments up. especially with all the cameramen that were inside the stadium. will never forget the images of the faces and bodies crushed up against the fences. how some of those police and government officials sleep at night is beyond me.
shackattack said:
amazing how the sun or police force never had any pictures to back these comments up. especially with all the cameramen that were inside the stadium. will never forget the images of the faces and bodies crushed up against the fences. how some of those police and government officials sleep at night is beyond me.

They don't "sleep at night" because they are not human. No human being in tact, with a conscience could ever live with themselves for the appalling cover up they were complicit with, let alone actually sleep at night.

Once again I'm angry,upset and bewildered that this was allowed to happen. After watching that tonight, it seems, even still, there is not an ounce of contrition from those people who held positions within the forces post Hillsborough.

My faith in the "system" has always been weak and this just sums up exactly why that is the case.

Sub-human one and all.

While I was never a sun reader, I along with every self respecting scouser have not even held a copy of that turgid rag since that day, let alone bought one.

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