Agreedneed to get out more…….
Agreedneed to get out more…….
Have just bought a blow up doll from someone on Peckham market,he looked a bit dodgy and the doll is making funny hissing noisesPorn
retired 7 years ago and had no hobbies so I’ve gone back to work part time, don’t fish, bowl, golf etc. so any recommendations would be appreciated as well….indoors or outdoors…..already go hiking but can’t do that everydayRecommendations would be most helpful..things to do inside?
And no weird shit!
Darwin Nunez means massive donkey on steroids.And burrito is "little donkey'.
I go Spain a bit so hopefully it will be used a little Learning a language is supposedly good for your memory.I want to learn spanish again but not sure if I should bother.
I did it at school 20 years ago but have forgotten 90% of it.
Think if I learn it again, I will just forget it all again as I won't be using it regularly so not much point.
Gracias Senor BobBurro means donkey. I only learned that in the last couple of days. Good luck with all the other words.
My dog is small?Llevo cinco años estudiando español. Empecé con duolingo como tu y ahora mi nivel ha mejorado muchísimo. Escucho podcasts en español todos los días y mi sueño es vivir en España pero ¡el Brexit ha cagado en la leche! como se dice en español.