Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

In the middle 90’s Hibs had a pop at City in Shambles square firing a fuckin destress flare at us that was bouncing off the shop windows , they soon got scattered only for Oldham to come charging round the corner . Thick as thieves them two .
In the middle 90’s Hibs had a pop at City in Shambles square firing a fuckin destress flare at us that was bouncing off the shop windows , they soon got scattered only for Oldham to come charging round the corner . Thick as thieves them two .
Sorry distress, this fuckin phone
me and gaz crooks was at that game with other mates
we couldn't believe what went on,scrapping all over the ground and then when that ladder appeared and city fans starting going up it and taking that higher level stand along the side of the pitch,unbelievable
we had to walk all the way back to ashton i remember ,no buses or they were all full
I remember a mate who used to live across the road from us showing us the Mail newspaper from the Oldham/City game , a few pages in the headline was something like 'the bad good Friday'
I remember a mate who used to live across the road from us showing us the Mail newspaper from the Oldham/City game , a few pages in the headline was something like 'the bad good Friday'
I think every man and his dog turned out that day , Oldham were giving it the billy big bollox in the run up to the game because they ran a few young city fans at M/R . I went with a load of city lads from the Middleton . it was one of our lads that found the ladders . If memory serves me right it was a sunny day in the morning but pissed it down in the afternoon .
I think every man and his dog turned out that day , Oldham were giving it the billy big bollox in the run up to the game because they ran a few young city fans at M/R . I went with a load of city lads from the Middleton . it was one of our lads that found the ladders . If memory serves me right it was a sunny day in the morning but pissed it down in the afternoon .

I was with the lads from Middleton that day, did you get off the buses at chaddy baths, if so do you remember the hot dog stand getting tipped over and all the shenanigans before, during and after the match, loads from Middleton that day.
I was with the lads from Middleton that day, did you get off the buses at chaddy baths, if so do you remember the hot dog stand getting tipped over and all the shenanigans before, during and after the match, loads from Middleton that day.
No our lot got off in Oldham town centre and made our way to the ground, we went up on the 59 bus but there was that many of us it took four buses to get everybody up there , a few of my mates got the bus with the last of them but didn’t see them till in the ground . A firm of Oldham came at us near the hospital but they didn’t last long then the police gave us a escort to the ground
No our lot got off in Oldham town centre and made our way to the ground, we went up on the 59 bus but there was that many of us it took four buses to get everybody up there , a few of my mates got the bus with the last of them but didn’t see them till in the ground . A firm of Oldham came at us near the hospital but they didn’t last long then the police gave us a escort to the ground

We got the 59 and at least 100 got off at chaddy baths and walked from there, we went into Oldham after the game, kicked off on the way there, Oldham didn't know what had hit them.
Worst I saw was also Oldham the 2-2 draw where we had control of the ground for about 30 mins but been loads more lesser events, actual fighting was probably Spurs when I was a kid sat in the wall at the back Kippax/North Stand corner watching waves of fans charge eachother and cop horses everywhere must have been 75ish.
I was definitely there that day and remember being on the pitch at one stage and seeing some mates in the seats near to the ladder. Debated whether or not to join them but so many in that stand that I couldn’t be bothered waiting and ambled into our end as started off in Chaddy end. IIRC correctly loads stayed in their end right in the middle behind the goal with a huge circle of police around them. Think it was more to keep the Oldham fans safe. Must have been 12k of us that day.

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