horrible juve fans

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charliebigspuds said:
levets said:
I had a nightmare watching England over there in the late 90's and I know a few rags who have had similar experience's since, its one of the reasons I've decided not to go to Juve away in December.

Any blues going over there thinking they can stroll about in small groups will have a shock. Not scaremongering, but you all need to stick together!

levets is right, you end up being picked off by the ultras and if you show any sort of self defence the carabinieri will be in to give you a good no holds barred hiding, they don't take prisoners, they protect the Italians even the ultras and attack the English
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.
Pigeonho said:
charliebigspuds said:
levets is right, you end up being picked off by the ultras and if you show any sort of self defence the carabinieri will be in to give you a good no holds barred hiding, they don't take prisoners, they protect the Italians even the ultras and attack the English
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.

I thought we only got a few tickets?

If that's the case there might not be large numbers prepared to defend ordinary blues.

Shalke away last year there were hundreds of lads who wouldn't have tolerated this kind of bullying. Will this be the same?
Pigeonho said:
charliebigspuds said:
levets is right, you end up being picked off by the ultras and if you show any sort of self defence the carabinieri will be in to give you a good no holds barred hiding, they don't take prisoners, they protect the Italians even the ultras and attack the English
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.

iv heard some horrible stories about the juve fans and what they do.

people have told me they will kick the fuck out of any teams fans that they are playing whether they have done anything or not. they are racist fuckers and just out to cause trouble for no reason whatsoever.

they make it an upleasent place to go to which it shouldnt because its a game of football.
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.

I thought we only got a few tickets?

If that's the case there might not be large numbers prepared to defend ordinary blues.

Shalke away last year there were hundreds of lads who wouldn't have tolerated this kind of bullying. Will this be the same?
God knows mate, but i'm sure there will be some of our 'boys' travelling, even without tickets as Juve will be far from capacity, meaning City fans might get their tickets on the black market. Don't know why, I just fear a Roma/United style affair, and I hope i'm wrong.
inearlt ran one of the fuckers over around 1.30pm driving past the
ground, pissed out of his head
citykev28 said:
at this point one of the others said "balotelli, no". i looked over to him and he again said "balotelli, no". then one next to him said balotelli whilst doing the cut-throat signal with his thumb. i started to walk away and said cheers to the one's who'd been alright. then another stood up, did the cut-throat gesture and started shouting "balotelli, black, balotelli, black."

i didn't want to create a scene because i was there with the missus and my 9 year old lad. however, i lost any respect i had for juventus' fans. i know it's generalising them all as racist bastards, but they didn't have their ground closed for 2 or 3 dickheads. this has got to be dealt with if they start it in turin. hopefully mario will be playing and will ram their taunts down their throats.

racism really is ugly when you see it at first hand.

uh, thats knocked me sick and I wasn't even there.

I would've probably lost it so well done for keeping calm and your family safe.
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.

I thought we only got a few tickets?

If that's the case there might not be large numbers prepared to defend ordinary blues.

Shalke away last year there were hundreds of lads who wouldn't have tolerated this kind of bullying. Will this be the same?

was there in 1980 and 1990 with England... snidey twats!

Seriously, blues will need to sort a 'meet'... and stay there, in a huge mob.

Start wandering off and you're going to end up in bother...
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
It'll be an unpleasant experience for Blues I feel, this one. A new, unknown English club, (unknown in terms of not the usual Chelsea, United or Liverpool), loads of Blues going.... watch your arses as they like the old slash of the left cheek.

I thought we only got a few tickets?

If that's the case there might not be large numbers prepared to defend ordinary blues.

Shalke away last year there were hundreds of lads who wouldn't have tolerated this kind of bullying. Will this be the same?

The problem is if you all stick together you get the carabinieri getting very aggressive which in turn causes aggression back towards them so they then come on top big time, it doesn't take much for them to get the truncheons out and start hitting, split from the group and they will attack you. If you split up and are in four or fives you get these ultra types riding around on scooters and pointing you out to the baying mobs, you end up in a catch 22 situation. This was my experience and like I've said other people have found it the same. They've continued to get away with it for years.
The last time I went was in 1997, Eng vrs Italy in Rome. England needed a draw to qualify for the world cup, I think we got something lie 6000 tickets but had 12000 there. I had a ticket but couldn't get into the end I was in because it was full. They opened up another part of the ground for us and basically you had to run a gauntlet through the carabinieri to get in, they just struck out indiscriminately just attacking everyone, women, kids it didn't matter who, we all copped it. It was the same throughout the day in Rome wherever we went we was attacked. I've been in some hairy situations in all the years I've followed City and England but this was something way over the top, its the only football match I've ever been to when I was seriously worried about my wellbeing.
All the horror stories you've read ignore them, the Fulham fans were absolutley fine last year and so will the City fans.

There is no bad blood between City and Juventus so their should be no trouble.
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