How Bitter are the BITTERS!

Ok lets try a sensible post. Liverpool in the best season they have had in a long time STILL couldnt beat the rags to the title when they were playing poorly. You STILL couldnt get past chelsea in the chumps league. You STILL have a manager who diverts attention away from his own misgivings by blaiming others for either signing players he was after for the money while unveiling an 18m right back or by blaming the fixtures.

You say Tevez wouldnt fit into your system and while thats a fair enough statement im not sure what system you have as it essentially seems to revolve around gerrard and torres and without them 2 your completely toothless and im sure many liverpool fans would confirm this.
Do City fans have no pride anymore? Or was there a large influx of 'new' fans here since the takeover? Nearly 40 years in your neighbor's shadow, so desperate that now you have to BUY your success and see it as something to gloat about. So much for the people's club
mancboy123 said:
Ok lets try a sensible post. Liverpool in the best season they have had in a long time STILL couldnt beat the rags to the title when they were playing poorly. You STILL couldnt get past chelsea in the chumps league. You STILL have a manager who diverts attention away from his own misgivings by blaiming others for either signing players he was after for the money while unveiling an 18m right back or by blaming the fixtures.

You say Tevez wouldnt fit into your system and while thats a fair enough statement im not sure what system you have as it essentially seems to revolve around gerrard and torres and without them 2 your completely toothless and im sure many liverpool fans would confirm this.

Actually I feel Tevez could have done a job on the left for us, but he's a greedy little merc who goes where the paycheck is largest. we're not going to match your ridiculous wages for a player who's worth maybe 1/3 of it. Good luck to Hughes to manage all those ego's next season, he'll definitely need it as it's going to be like the Madrid circus except worse since most of them are not attracted by club glory.
Rafa32 said:
that was one of the days robbie turned up then was it?whats going on with that whole situation anyway heard that gobshite from santos was out saying he wants to go back to brazil?bullshit aye?!

I don’t normally respond to idiotic comments from somebody that can’t even speak the English language properly ….but I’m in a good mood today :)
Worry more about keeping hold of your own players then voicing your inept and useless opinions on here ……….

Errrmmmmmmmmm ….. ok ….so …………ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ……………. DO ONE!
5starkop said:
Do City fans have no pride anymore? Or was there a large influx of 'new' fans here since the takeover? Nearly 40 years in your neighbor's shadow, so desperate that now you have to BUY your success and see it as something to gloat about. So much for the people's club

How else do you expect a team outside the Premierships 'Euro elite ' to do it then? Sit and pray before every match? What a cock, and every other fucker who reckons they would turn the money down and stick to their traditions of going into debt trying to buy success with 10m pound players. Fucking bullshitters anyone who says otherwise!

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