How did you find out?

living in Bangkok at the time, and Mancunian friend of mine kept me up to date with SMS over the course of that magnificent couple of days. after i found out about it, i followed transfer deadline day on here (wasn't a member at the time though).
dannybcity said:
mcfc28 said:
I read it on an obscure Arabian business news site - via Google news

and then.... started that infamous thread!

The man himself!
Why were you looking at an Arabian business news site?

yer thats intresting. why was you looking at that site in the first place. did you just find it?
I read it on here, thread was interesting but noone seemed overly bothered by it until it was picked up by the English press, then it was amazing.

Spent rest of the day on bluemoon reading about our transfer targets, then went home and sat glued to SSN until just after midnight.

Awesome day.

The whole Berbatov thing was hilarious. I have never seen rags shitting themselves like that before.
"please alex dont let them get him"
"Alex should go if they get berba"
Well, I don't know if anyone else recalls this (by the way, I had no internet for the summer, so all the old threads are a new read for me!) but on the Sunday City played Sunderland - my mate was over (Liverpool fan) to watch them play Villa on Sky. I had it on SSN and the guy at TSOL said 'Not a lot in the match so far, but the big talk between the news reporters here is that there will be a big announcement soon about Citys ownership'.

Monday morning.

Woke up at about 11am. Lay in bed - no need to get up, September had started, and soon enough I'd be back at Uni finishing my final year. Then my phone started going. My Uncle told me we'd been taken over - I remembered what the guy had said during the Sunderland match yesterday so merely thought 'oh right, well atleast Dr. T is out of the picture.' Called my Dad (he was in Spain) told him that Thaskin had been bought out and we had no owners but didn't really know the score yet as I hadn't seen the TV. Well, my Dad got a call back again about 10 minutes later telling him the wealth which we'd come into. Still, my thoughts were 'Typical - get bought by these apparent rich blokes on the last day of the window.' My rag mate called me up and I wound him up saying we were gonna go for Berbatov just to fuck United off and literally it came up on the yellow ticker. Brilliant.

Unfortunately I had a date that night and was supposed to be going to the cinema at 7, I was tempted to call it off, but when purple nose had picked up Berbatov at the airport I thought nothing would happen.

Whilst I was watching The Dark Knight, I received 27 txts and was called 6 times. I rushed home with this girl after the film finished and... well I can't say on here the rest of the story because its too explicit. But, I'll leave it up to your imagination what was going on when it was announced that we'd signed Robinho.
I got a text, cant remember who from, stuck on SSN and nearly shat myself... sat in stunned silence for about 30 mins transfixed by that yellow ticker, went to text everyone who i could think of but hands were shaking... thought it was all brilliant and the future was bright again, and then Robinho was confirmed... again another bit of stunned silence as i welled up, so a big fat spliff was sparked, a beer opened and i sat thinking it just doesnt get any better than this... amazing day.
I was in Vegas, hammered, had no sleep and had missed my lift to LA where I had to be for a meeting. Ended up getting the greyhound, the bus journey was crazy, I was starting to feel hungover and felt like absolute shite but then I kept getting these texts from back home telling me what was going on, it was very strange. The fit bird next to me perked me up a little too, that was until she mentioned why she was in Vegas; visiting her boyfriend who'd moved there to start a career in UFC! Was a strange old day.

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