The loudest shouting down was done by the right wing newspapers that called any kind of 'soft' brexit a "betrayal".Couldn't be arsed? We had an entire year boring everyone to death talking about it. It all boiled down to "if you vote leave you're a racist" or "We want our country back".
Meanwhile, those of us making the arguments for rejoining EFTA or similar once we leave, were shouted down. We had our game plan, the rest of you weren't on the same page because you thought you were fighting some culture war. And just to clarify, are you against the UK rejoining the EFTA?
Cameron should have told the Bruges Group whingers and fanatics to bring a coherent plan for a specific brexit and vote on that. Yes there was a lot of criticism of Brexit and its potential voters (much of it accurate), but the vagueness of what was proposed made it a slippery target. As I said, Cameron couldn't be arsed to make them pin it down.