How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

I just heard about a thing called B.R.I.C.S - an alternative to the G7 apparently (its on Newsnight in a bit). Perhaps we could join that?

Brazils in it, not sure who the others are.
wasn't the original promise "by the end of this year"?

It's not about stopping the boats, it's about keeping the issue in the headlines. His plan is undoubtedly to throw some generous tax cuts and maybe more pay rises at the public and call a GE. If he keeps immigration in the spotlight his hard-line populist 'send em back' policy will force Starmer into looking weak on the issue because he's less of a **** to refugees. Trying to polarise debate again and weaponise an issue just as Boris did with brexit. Starmer will need to find a way of steering the conversation away from Brexit and immigration and refocus the public on what a shit decade or so we've had.

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