How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Not just hospitality .... local care home has just closed its doors and relocated all the inmates because it cant recruit any staff.

I was down Bournemouth last week. Summer was peak employment time for foreign students who worked things like deck chairs and ice cream huts - not any more. It was striking how many places were closed up and many restaurants were closed for lunchtime services for Mon/Tue/Wed all due to staff shortages. A friend works at one of the language schools who have EU students coming in for summer to learn English. Her place of work has survived despite low booking levels by accommodating and teaching the intake from two other language schools which are closed because there are not enough students.
I was down Bournemouth last week. Summer was peak employment time for foreign students who worked things like deck chairs and ice cream huts - not any more. It was striking how many places were closed up and many restaurants were closed for lunchtime services for Mon/Tue/Wed all due to staff shortages. A friend works at one of the language schools who have EU students coming in for summer to learn English. Her place of work has survived despite low booking levels by accommodating and teaching the intake from two other language schools which are closed because there are not enough students.
I think one of the fundamental errors of those who voted to leave was a failure to appreciate just how intwined we had become with the rest of the EU - and how uncoupling from that without serious planning would be hugely damaging and painful. This interconnection had evolved over half a century. People were utterly reckless as to the effect of divorcing from that in a short space of time.

It’s astonishing how some people, intelligent people, were so casual about something so fundamental to our nation’s existence.
I think one of the fundamental errors of those who voted to leave was a failure to appreciate just how intwined we had become with the rest of the EU - and how uncoupling from that without serious planning would be hugely damaging and painful. This interconnection had evolved over half a century. People were utterly reckless as to the effect of divorcing from that in a short space of time.

It’s astonishing how some people, intelligent people, were so casual about something so fundamental to our nation’s existence.

It all boils down to a simple quote from the time - "they need us more than we need them"
It all boils down to a simple quote from the time - "they need us more than we need them"
It was an unbelievably stupid, arrogant and misguided thing to believe.

I’ve said it before, maybe this self-imposed reduction in our international standing is the lesson in national humility this country needed.
It was an unbelievably stupid, arrogant and misguided thing to believe.

I’ve said it before, maybe this self-imposed reduction in our international standing is the lesson in national humility this country needed.

IDS and Gove are still waiting to hear from the German Automotive Industry ......Davis is in Berlin looking for Merkel so he can open negotiations meanwhile the EU just point at us and laugh
It was an unbelievably stupid, arrogant and misguided thing to believe.

I’ve said it before, maybe this self-imposed reduction in our international standing is the lesson in national humility this country needed.
It should be but the government seem intent on ploughing on regardless. - In public anyway.
They now have to use their skill and judgement (ho, ho, ho) to pitch the general election when the impact of their incompetence is minimised. Unless they take it to the final payday as so many will be out of office.

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