How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

As I have said before, people (generally) don't mind lies as long as they like the lies.

That, in a nutshell, is how we got Brexit. People wanted the lies of grifters like Farage to be true. Or enough did to carry the vote, albeit narrowly.

They have fucked this country, the bastards. Certainly set us back a good thirty years. We are now a basket case, and ironically now need to join the EU to qualify for regional aid for deprived communities, which might begin to put things right.

In a couple of hundred years, maybe less, students will read about all this shit at uni, and wonder how a population could be so stupid. There will be essays and dissertations, trying to explain it. The nearest parallel I can draw is how the German people were swayed into believing Jews and Communists had brought about their defeat in WWI. That was bollocks too, but people believed it. Earlier British stupidities, like the Ground Nut Scheme and the Suez intervention, are mere trivialities by comparison.
As I have said before, people (generally) don't mind lies as long as they like the lies.

That, in a nutshell, is how we got Brexit. People wanted the lies of grifters like Farage to be true. Or enough did to carry the vote, albeit narrowly.

They have fucked this country, the bastards. Certainly set us back a good thirty years. We are now a basket case, and ironically now need to join the EU to qualify for regional aid for deprived communities, which might begin to put things right.

In a couple of hundred years, maybe less, students will read about all this shit at uni, and wonder how a population could be so stupid. There will be essays and dissertations, trying to explain it. The nearest parallel I can draw is how the German people were swayed into believing Jews and Communists had brought about their defeat in WWI. That was bollocks too, but people believed it. Earlier British stupidities, like the Ground Nut Scheme and the Suez intervention, are mere trivialities by comparison.
and yet the main opposition party still won't call it out. That's how fucked up this country is. Quite a list now:

disintegrating school buildings
teacher strikes
deteriorating educational standards
increase in child poverty
Rwanda scheme
water industry
NHS strikes
NHS waiting lists
national air traffic control
I could go on and on and on and on..................
I think one of the fundamental errors of those who voted to leave was a failure to appreciate just how intwined we had become with the rest of the EU - and how uncoupling from that without serious planning would be hugely damaging and painful. This interconnection had evolved over half a century. People were utterly reckless as to the effect of divorcing from that in a short space of time.

It’s astonishing how some people, intelligent people, were so casual about something so fundamental to our nation’s existence.

There was a flippancy about a lot of the debate that was utterly inappropriate to the stakes involved, of course some of this was deliberate misdirection. In some ways it had more in common with voting on the X-Factor than one of the biggest decisions in the UK's history. A harsh lesson in the misuse and abuse of plebiscites.

Alongside trying to stem the bleeding, and rather than waiting 100 years for scholars to analyse our stupidity, we should be having a serious discussion in the here and now about the nature of the vote and what it says about our ailing democracy and civic engagement.
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As I have said before, people (generally) don't mind lies as long as they like the lies.

That, in a nutshell, is how we got Brexit. People wanted the lies of grifters like Farage to be true. Or enough did to carry the vote, albeit narrowly.

They have fucked this country, the bastards. Certainly set us back a good thirty years. We are now a basket case, and ironically now need to join the EU to qualify for regional aid for deprived communities, which might begin to put things right.

In a couple of hundred years, maybe less, students will read about all this shit at uni, and wonder how a population could be so stupid. There will be essays and dissertations, trying to explain it. The nearest parallel I can draw is how the German people were swayed into believing Jews and Communists had brought about their defeat in WWI. That was bollocks too, but people believed it. Earlier British stupidities, like the Ground Nut Scheme and the Suez intervention, are mere trivialities by comparison.
They won’t be studying politics at Uni in 20, let alone 200 years if the Tories get their way.

Only vocational degrees will be permitted. They don’t want people learning stuff that makes them feel bad.
I’ve said it before, maybe this self-imposed reduction in our international standing is the lesson in national humility this country needed.

Indeed. In the absence of a quick fix I do wonder how long that lesson will take to sink in, how much it is generational in it's nature (does the exceptionalism now naturally die out with the boomers and older gen X) and what we can do to accelerate the lessons learnt? We need to have given our heads the necessary wobble before we can really rebuild.

In the interim I think we probably need to try whatever we can tactically to stop things like brain drains etc which will set us back even further. Education at all levels is now even more important than ever but we live in a time where our schools can be literally falling down and kids are too hungry to learn well and yet still no-one seems to give a crap.

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