How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

and yet the main opposition party still won't call it out. That's how fucked up this country is. Quite a list now:

disintegrating school buildings
teacher strikes
deteriorating educational standards
increase in child poverty
Rwanda scheme
water industry
NHS strikes
NHS waiting lists
national air traffic control
I could go on and on and on and on..................
You leave my Air Traffic Control alone!! lol
The Opposition is scared shitless of saying something that will frighten the horses.
At least, Starmer is.
They are hoping to reclaim the votes of certain Neanderthal communities and such people haven't to be upset.
He assumes the votes of people like me are in the bag. To a point, he is right. In my case, he is wrong. My days as Labour voting fodder are over.
The Opposition is scared shitless of saying something that will frighten the horses.
At least, Starmer is.
They are hoping to reclaim the votes of certain Neanderthal communities and such people haven't to be upset.
He assumes the votes of people like me are in the bag. To a point, he is right. In my case, he is wrong. My days as Labour voting fodder are over.

So who will be voting for or are you happy to retain this iteration of Tory Govt?
So who will be voting for or are you happy to retain this iteration of Tory Govt?
Depends on who is on the voting paper.
I'm not voting for any Brexit-supporting party. They can fuck off and die.
(I believe I've already explained my personal position on this point.)
The Opposition is scared shitless of saying something that will frighten the horses.
At least, Starmer is.
They are hoping to reclaim the votes of certain Neanderthal communities and such people haven't to be upset.
He assumes the votes of people like me are in the bag. To a point, he is right. In my case, he is wrong. My days as Labour voting fodder are over.
Always said that people should look at the bigger picture and vote accordingly. One thing I note, with regard to this, is that Labour have kept quiet about Brexit itself but have stated that they want to get closer ties with the EU. As well as his pledge to work with European neighbours on migration, it seems a backhand way of saying we’re better off with Europe.
There was a flippancy about a lot of the debate that was utterly inappropriate to the stakes involved, of course some of this was deliberate misdirection. In some ways it had more in common with voting on the X-Factor than one of the biggest decisions in the UK's history. A harsh lesson in the misuse and abuse of plebiscites.

Alongside trying to stem the bleeding, and rather than waiting 100 years for scholars to analyse our stupidity, we should be having a serious discussion in the here and now about the nature of the vote and what it says about our ailing democracy and civic engagement.
politicians that lie
a media that lies
a population that seems to have lost the ability of critical thinking
a deluded view of our global place

might be some of the areas to start.
Always said that people should look at the bigger picture and vote accordingly. One thing I note, with regard to this, is that Labour have kept quiet about Brexit itself but have stated that they want to get closer ties with the EU. As well as his pledge to work with European neighbours on migration, it seems a backhand way of saying we’ve fucking blown it.
Depends on who is on the voting paper.
I'm not voting for any Brexit-supporting party. They can fuck off and die.
(I believe I've already explained my personal position on this point.)
What does "supporting Brexit" mean?

Brexit is in the past. No party is pretending it's gone well. The parties are either wittering on about how good Brexit could have been, or wondering how to mitigate the damage.

Are you really looking for a Rejoin party? For now, any party saying they'd rejoin is just as untruthful as the shysters that "won" Brexit.

Long but depressingly truthful / realistic:



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