Money talks tho. Certainly no chance of returning with favourable terms under this shower. I guess we will see. On a personal level it's not a massive issue for me or my life whether we do or don't. But like every other uk citizen, I want a the UK and its people to do well.
Ok, I’ll admit to being a bit flippant, not quite on the wind up, but mindful of keeping levity in my posts when dealing with a subject that is after all, foreign to me.
What I mean is, I’m always conscious in here, that at the end of the day, it’s your business, although occasionally it spills into our business.
So having said that, how far would you go to see the people of the UK doing well.
You’ve already admitted you voted to leave one union for those exact reasons. If the people of the UK doing well was at odds with The UK doing well, what would you accept.
What I’m talking about is self determination for Scotland as has already being discussed. Them maybe opting into the EU.
Northern Ireland with a big question mark over it. Looking at Scotland. Seeing how they get on.
I hate using sectarian divisions of religion as I firmly believe church and state should be totally separate and I don’t really believe that a Northern vote would divide rigidly along religious lines. The youth up north have hopefully moved well passed that. But it is a good indication of the Nationalist/Loyalist breakdown.
Leaving a question mark there, where would England and Wales stand in the break up of the UK?
What would you support, for the betterment of the UK people.
I’ll leave my Irish bias out of it, as although I joked earlier about you joining the FREEstate, I really have no idea what the future of Ireland as a whole would look like if the North put it up to us.
A bilateral agreement of some sort was mentioned. If it involved dual citizenship, would it be for the whole island?
What would it mean for you on the current mainland UK.
I think in general, as you’ve found out through centuries of history, we think differently to you when it comes to European integration.
I think the future resolution of the worlds pressing issues is going to involve greater union and globalisation of standards and regulation. Whether that be economical, stopping war or just saving the planet from climate disaster. We could be too late there, but if so god help the future generation we’re leaving these problems with. Wait until mass migrations start, it’ll dwarf your immigration problem at the moment.
In short, theoretically, would you accept the dissolution of the UK for something that bettered the lives of the people of the UK.
Not that far fetched when you consider nearly half of Northern Ireland are being asked to mull this over already.