How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Are you seriously trying to suggest that we need them more than they need us?

I suggest we had a functional and favourable partnership that worked well - as you know we dicked that into the ground in a blaze of Union flags and hope/belief - we will need them but as some of that 27 will have suffered as a result of us leaving any of us with any sense understand that we would be starting from the ground up and trying to get as high as we were but that bar will no longer be within our reach
I voted out, for several reasons. Sadly none of these have been implemented by this government. I voted out for greater uk independence on tax rates, the ability for the uk to encourage external investment which hasn’t happened and greater internal investment, which also hasn't happened. I wanted reasonable controls on immigration, not no immigration, this hasn't happened, as we only let in people who we wont let work ie illegal immigrants. Lots of labour shortages across all uk industry sectors have contributed to massive increases in wage inflation.

I still believe that we could have left the EU better than we have, but was probably naive in thinking the UK government were capable of negotiating this. I was touch and go in making up my original decision , but now think if given a choice again and with hindsight of how we have left I would vote to stay, as the benefits I thought we would gain in leaving haven't been implemented.

I'm not sure whether how much of this feeling is down to my disenchantment with this government ?
The fact that you, as a vocal proponent of a no deal Brexit a few years ago, are now saying that you made a mistake suggests that the vast majority of the population wish we’d never left. Sadly it’s too late and our economy has been hobbled for a generation thanks to you and people like you who voted for this shit without a clue what was going to happen. Hope you’re happy.
Well, that's blueinsa and Churchlawtonblue ...

Only really Oldham Exile to do a mea culpa.
The whole mea culpa thing probably doesn’t help the debate, whatever the debate is to be in this thread, but……
He hasn’t shown up in here since I asked him a straight question.
Not sure how to read that.
I know what it makes me think, but not sure why it matters.
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Or the right wing press do their stuff and we end up approximately where we are just now. I see no sign that the large minority that continue to be wooed by the attack dog policies of the right are softening their attitude to anything.

The younger generation can see through the right wing media angle.
The whole mea culpa thing probably doesn’t help the debate, whatever the debate is to be in this thread, but……
He hasn’t shown up in here since I asked him a straight question.
Not sure how to read that.
I know what it makes me think, but not sure why it matters.
You’re not the only one to say that to him. He always disappears. It’s pretty obvious why.
You’re not the only one to say that to him. He always disappears. It’s pretty obvious why.
That’s fine WD, but although I say that at the end of the day, this is your own business….
Why does it matter? Well from my point of view it’s nothing to do with mea culpa. People vote for whatever reasons on a number of issues. It doesn’t mean you don’t learn. We all do.
Past behaviour is no guarantee to future performance. You’d hope. For us all.

No. My interest in asking the question out straight is that I would pursue a debate with him, if he was the same person I had debated with years earlier, pointing out the obvious difficulties that were going to arise for the North of Ireland.
The one person I recall most, basically acknowledged the difficulties, but more or less said, so be it, if that’s what it takes.
The fact that you, as a vocal proponent of a no deal Brexit a few years ago, are now saying that you made a mistake suggests that the vast majority of the population wish we’d never left. Sadly it’s too late and our economy has been hobbled for a generation thanks to you and people like you who voted for this shit without a clue what was going to happen. Hope you’re happy.

Yes one poster does mean that

Yes one poster does mean that

Fair point.

However he is unlikely to be the only one with such entrenched views 3 or 4 years ago that has changed his opinion completely, and even if he only represents the views of just 1 in 10 leave voters it would still mean a sizeable majority would rather be in the EU.

All academic because we’re out and we’re going to have to make the best of it for the next few years until the political climate has changed sufficiently both here and on the continent.

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