How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

The fact that you, as a vocal proponent of a no deal Brexit a few years ago, are now saying that you made a mistake suggests that the vast majority of the population wish we’d never left. Sadly it’s too late and our economy has been hobbled for a generation thanks to you and people like you who voted for this shit without a clue what was going to happen. Hope you’re happy.
I told you the reasons I voted out, I stand by those reasons. I still think we would be better off out if we had a government with any nouse about them. As it is we don't.

The economy is hardly ruined. Sure it could be better but your not living in the real world with statements like that. As for your silly hope you're happy remark, you need to grow up a little fella.
I told you the reasons I voted out, I stand by those reasons. I still think we would be better off out if we had a government with any nouse about them. As it is we don't.

The economy is hardly ruined. Sure it could be better but you’re not living in the real world with statements like that. As for your silly hope you're happy remark, you need to grow up a little fella.

The poster said hobbled not ruined which is accurate. Brexit handicaps our economy by placing trade barriers to the movement of goods and services (people).

We were told that Brexit would be an automatic benefit and that we would have better access to European markets, cheaper food, clothes and a better NHS.

Brexit was never going to achieve these goals. It was literally impossible and to think that somehow it would if the Govt had some undefined ‘nous’ is delusional. Brexit is a policy specifically designed to make its citizens worse off and it delivered. Brexit is giving us exactly what you voted for.
I told you the reasons I voted out, I stand by those reasons. I still think we would be better off out if we had a government with any nouse about them. As it is we don't.

The economy is hardly ruined. Sure it could be better but you’re not living in the real world with statements like that. As for your silly hope you're happy remark, you need to grow up a little fella.
I think you need to reflect on your decision 7 years ago and have a little humility. The reason for the shit show is you and the other 17 million who voted for it without knowing what you voted for. It’s not all your fault though, you were hoodwinked by the likes of Johnson and Farage. It’s time you grew a pair and admitted it rather than making out you were right to vote for it and it’s all the government’s fault - a government that you undoubtedly voted for in 2019. And no, the economy isn’t ruined but I never said it was so no need to make up stuff.
Does anyone actually think that?

It's probably reasonable to assume that the sort of exceptionalist thinking that led to the vote in the first place might misunderstand how challenging it will be for the UK to return.

That said most people I hear discussing the idea of rejoining recognise and still lament the fact that we are never ever getting back the cake and eat relationship that we flushed down the toilet.
I think you need to reflect on your decision 7 years ago and have a little humility. The reason for the shit show is you and the other 17 million who voted for it without knowing what you voted for. It’s not all your fault though, you were hoodwinked by the likes of Johnson and Farage. It’s time you grew a pair and admitted it rather than making out you were right to vote for it and it’s all the government’s fault - a government that you undoubtedly voted for in 2019. And no, the economy isn’t ruined but I never said it was so no need to make up stuff.
I certainly don't need to take any advice off you or any of the other self righteous cabal on here.
Sadly you seem like you won’t take advice from anyone because you think you know best.
To be fair, it’s only natural for people not to admit they were wrong and easily reason away with cherry picked distractions.

A couple of people I know are the same and when you put the facts up against them they just shut down, until the next time that they find a reason. Rinse and repeat.
To be fair, it’s only natural for people not to admit they were wrong and easily reason away with cherry picked distractions.

A couple of people I know are the same and when you put the facts up against them they just shut down, until the next time that they find a reason. Rinse and repeat.

As cathartic as it may be to point out the things people got wrong,it's hardly going to result in a harmonic way forward.

I'd hazard that some of the pro leavers on here would have made a better fist of Brexit than the morons their vote put in charge of it.
Unintended consequences.

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