How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Remain said we’d leave the single market, leave said we wouldn’t. Leave won, and then changed their minds (or told the truth).
Mind you, remain MP’s also told everyone there’d be a huge influx of non EU migrants and I don’t remember leave mentioning that once. They did mention Turkey joining the EU quite a lot though…
My biggest disappointment really is that truth was a huge casualty in that referendum and, in many ways, it still is.
If Starmer does anything, should he win, over the next 5 years, I hope he can restore a bit of trust and honesty into politics.
The Bloviator made quite a bit of admitting non-EU migrants, arguing that giving preference to EU citizens was racist (because most EU citizens are white...)

Perhaps we can just stop some of the nonsense, like the children's clothes sent yesterday to someone in the EU. Is there a "commodity code" for children's clothes? No... Try baby clothing, or "jumpers".
I said we were told that we were leaving the single market, and we were and we did. Do you actually believe everyone who votes digests every minute detail of a policy?

You have to catch the moment inform the public and remain did a shit job, if they'd have concentrated on facts instead of flinging shit we might not be here now.
Its remains fault then? Ok.
They failed to convince the public so yes it's their fault. If you can't convince just over 50% of the population who happen to be racist and as thick as 2 short planks then you failed.
I didnt fail in anything. The dream team of grifters Johnson, Farage and Gove managed to get those people you describe out though, then shat the bed
I didnt fail in anything. The dream team of grifters Johnson, Farage and Gove managed to get those people you describe out though, then shat the bed

I said "Remain" as in the remain team not you, they failed, and by that I mean that they didn't convince enough voters it was the very definition of failure. Are you suggesting they didn't fail?

Add the attitudes of the Geldof and Izzards of this world and we had a shitstorm.
I said "Remain" as in the remain team not you, they failed, and by that I mean that they didn't convince enough voters it was the very definition of failure. Are you suggesting they didn't fail?

Add the attitudes of the Geldof and Izzards of this world and we had a shitstorm.
Im suggesting, or saying actually, they all failed. Us. And like I said this afternoon, it was all based on lies.
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