How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

So Johnson, who had twice been sacked for lying, was lying again. It was public knowledge but you can't use the word "thick" for those that listened to him.

Posters use the word thick all the time, you can even put it into a sentence.

Those voters who didn't believe that politicians told us that we were leaving the single market and adopted their very own reality were thick.

See how easy it is?
Nobody told you that we were leaving the single market, if you seriously believed that then it really does apply doesn't it?
We were asked whether we wished to remain in the EU or to leave the EU. We were never told what leaving the EU would entail.
However we were also told (by Johnson) that we had "an oven-ready deal". Another lie that people believed.
We were asked whether we wished to remain in the EU or to leave the EU. We were never told what leaving the EU would entail.
However we were also told (by Johnson) that we had "an oven-ready deal". Another lie that people believed.

I posted the video on here and we were most definitely told that, look back and check it's only a few pages back.

We will be leaving the single market and FOM will stop, it was quite clear for those that aren't thick.
I posted the video on here and we were most definitely told that, look back and check it's only a few pages back.

We will be leaving the single market and FOM will stop, it was quite clear for those that aren't thick.
Quite clear except for "no-one is talking about leaving the single market" and "we could be like Norway or Switzerland".

Oh, and lest we forget, "Some claim we will not get a trade deal but there is a European free trade zone from Iceland to the Russian border and we will be part of it. The idea that Britain will be the only country in Europe not to be part of this zone is silly".
Quite clear except for "no-one is talking about leaving the single market" and "we could be like Norway or Switzerland".

Oh, and lest we forget, "Some claim we will not get a trade deal but there is a European free trade zone from Iceland to the Russian border and we will be part of it. The idea that Britain will be the only country in Europe not to be part of this zone is silly".

Watch the video and stop flapping your gums, it was said countless times by countless politicians. It's not ambiguous it's just factual.

How remainers missed this is astonishing, what were they watching on telly whilst this was going on?
Member states still have to temper division within their own countries and that includes countries where the right have gained power. Look at France for example, Le Pen has gained a lot of traction and votes but France is divided just like the UK.

The right in France has united behind Le Pen and that has pushed her over the line but only in terms of seats in the French electoral system. 32% voted for Le Pen but remember that 50% voted for two parties that oppose Le Pen. If those two parties combine then she will likely have the most seats but get zero power.

With tomorrows expected result you could argue that the left is on the rise in the UK but it's not true. The reverse of France will happen tomorrow, Labour will win because the right has divided between the Tories and Reform. If Reform voters for example instead voted Tory today then Labour probably would not win tomorrow.

All of this rise and fall is just a product of electoral systems and not the rise of any particular ideology.

Brexit is a divided issue where we'd almost certainly need a general election which votes in a party that wants to rejoin. I just can't see that happening because certainly Labour cannot win on rejoin (they were obliterated on this in 2019) and there is no other party who will propose it.

What if you combine the results of Labour, Lib Dem’s and Greens

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