How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

It's become a nightmare, and I don't blame the Euro countries in any way, we stabbed them in the back and they will have the last laugh.
Never burn your bridges should have been at the forefront of our thinking when leaving - unfortunately the Brexit Bus was driven by crash bang wallop Johnson who saw it all as a chance to ingratiate himself to the right and followed the “fuck Johnny Foreigner” tactics - classy
It's become a nightmare, and I don't blame the Euro countries in any way, we stabbed them in the back and they will have the last laugh.
I know it’s become much more complicated to study there.
Don’t think we’ll be “out” for too many years ahead and that there’ll be a gradual reintegration- demographics will see to that.
I know it’s become much more complicated to study there.
Don’t think we’ll be “out” for too many years ahead and that there’ll be a gradual reintegration- demographics will see to that.
We should go cap in hand and say sorry we made a huge mistake and please, pretty please take us back.
The same is true in the other direction.

It’s gotten increasingly difficult for my wife and her family to even go on holiday (they are settled in the UK but have EU passports). Every time they come back into the country at least one of them will get pulled and interrogated about their settled status. Getting through passport control was already a nightmare because the automated machines are notoriously poor at letting black people through. I’m not kidding, they just don’t work on people with very dark skin. So we have to go through the manual queue and then my wife or her family end up getting questioned by the passport agents.

Bear in mind this is a qualified doctor who has dedicated the last decade of her life to working in public service for our benefit and every time she comes back off holiday she’s made to feel like a chancer trying to cadge into the country. It’s naturally quite upsetting for her (and by extension me) that she often feels anxious about just trying to get home.
I can understand border force being institutionally racist but e-gates?
Just watched a very interesting Nationwide program on RTE from the port of Rosslare.
Trade with Britain through the port has fallen 20-30%, but trade with the continent has gone up over 300%.
There are huge plans to expand the port doubling it’s size and freight capacity. Infrastructure including rail and motorway connectivity which will eliminate traffic lights from the port all the way to Belfast.

This alongside the 6 o’clock news item telling of similar plans for a brand new deep water port construction off the coast of Meath to take the increased traffic for Drogheda, tells us that huge opportunities have come our way as a result of increased European trade that has resulted from Brexit.
The actuality of business is clear that the certainty of logistical scheduling bypassing Britain is huge for all concerned.

Nolan Freight in Rosslare are very happy.
Keeps HGVs off our roads between Fishguard / Holyhead / Cairnryan and Felixstowe / Dover / Hull. Just as well with a driver shortage.

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