How long have you been a City fan?

Since i was 5 years old (ahem 1968!) first game v WestHam 1970 we lost 1-5,memorable for Joe Corrigans goal kick being volleyed back over his head from one Ronnie Boyce who was stood on the half way line,and for sneering cockneys on the Kippax car park laughing at us as our Mayne s bus pulled away to Reddish!
my dad took me to my first game as a nipper city v villa april 1959. it was a must win game as the losers would be as good as relegated. city won 2-1 & i was hooked. i've seen the good times & the bad. i'm just hoping city win a trophy sooner rather than later for the sake of my lad & all the other loyal blues on here who are too young to have experienced the buzz & adrenaline rush it brings.

How long have I been a City fan?

Well I followed Liverpool but then things started going wrong under Houlier and got slightly better under Rafa, so I kept the faith. Then things started going wrong with him and the H&G ownership.
I saw City getting bought by one of the richest men in the world, so I jumped ship and I've been hooked ever since.
So to answer your question, about two and a half years
1957, dont remember my first match but remember playing utd , bad memory!
my father and grandad lived in gorton and went to the original ground ,
in the north stand now with my son and his kids.
been going to city since i was in the womb, literally! first game was 4 months old, Peter Reid in charge obviously dont remember the score!
48 and a bit years

I'm 57 going on 58

My first league game was the derby at Old Trafford, September 15 1962 and we won 3-2

My first FA Cup game was at Maine Road against Norwich City on March 16 1963 and we lost 2-1 - my dad crashed his car on the way home into a garden wall at the top of our road after skidding on some ice

I've seen more than a few ups and downs in my time I can tell you
Can't remember first game tbh, but would be around 1961/2, but certainly remember going to several in 63/4 including Bert's testimonial, and definitely remember being in the "crowd" of 8015 in the Maine Road scoreboard end v Swindon in 1965.

"Buzzer" turned out for Swindon Town.

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