How many times you been Anfield and not seen us win?

Twice, once watched us In the fa you cup final there the youngsters didn't have much luck at that place either.
Never been and have no desire to go to that shithole. It will always be our bogey ground. It gets in our head nearly every time. One win there in 19 years says it all. We broke the hoodoo of the swamp and Arsenal away but this nut we just can’t crack!

The above link shows clubs we are strong and weak against. This isn’t simply who we beat or lose to most often, it compares the expected result with what actually happened through the history to see who our true bogey teams are.

For example United have beaten us more times than we have beaten them yet we are their bogey team because we do better against them than we should historically suggesting that the old adage that form goes out the window for a derby might be partly true.

At the top of the list of our bogey teams is Liverpool.

I have only been to see City at Liverpool 4 times and 3 of those we had no chance while the other we were one nil up for ages and still lost to two late goals.

The figures suggest we do have a problem with Anfield which is strange because I always found their support relatively quiet.

I never think we are going to win there no matter the form of either team. If we get a penalty I assume the keeper won’t be troubled.

The most optimistic I am is to go for a draw sometimes, as I did yesterday.

I never understand the optimism of all the City podcasts predicting 4-0 3-1 to us etc.

There is probably a bit of money to be made in these matches as even the bookies make us favourites sometimes.

I don’t know the reason but it’s been going on for a long long time and if this team can’t change it, then I suspect it will continue for a long time to come too.

City fans are often regarded as pessimistic and yet what was the poll result of the match on here?
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9 visits, 8 defeats, the last was when they attacked the bus on CL night and I got lost afterwards trying to find my car parked on someone’s drive (JustPark) with no juice left on my phone ….. hate the place!
Unfortunately, until we greet/treat them - that being the Liverpool team AND fans BOTH - with the ‘same warm reception’ we always get, we'll never get parity - yep its a total waste of time going there in every respect.

Put it this way, if we smashed up their coach, hailed abuse at their players for 90 mins whilst throwing coins at their manager - we’d get banned into outer space.

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