How to bulk up?

smudgedj said:
n_mcfc said:
Could someone post a typical 'cheap-ish' weight building diet that could be used as a basic outline for people? I've tried Googling but there are so many options by so many 'experts' on unusually suspicious websites it's quite annoying.

I've recently bought some dumbells and don't really want to bulk up as such, but put on some weight as I too am of the 'skinny' stature so to speak.

Cheers to those contributing in this thread, really helpful for some of us!

10 Weeks Anavar 50mg Every Day
6 Weeks Winstrol 50mg Every Day

Week 11: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
Week 12: 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
Week 13: 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day

About $500, you'll be buff as fuck. Just remember to take the week 11 onward or you'll have no bollocks left. ;-)

Ignore this fool.
FantasyIreland said:
smudgedj said:
n_mcfc said:
Could someone post a typical 'cheap-ish' weight building diet that could be used as a basic outline for people? I've tried Googling but there are so many options by so many 'experts' on unusually suspicious websites it's quite annoying.

I've recently bought some dumbells and don't really want to bulk up as such, but put on some weight as I too am of the 'skinny' stature so to speak.

Cheers to those contributing in this thread, really helpful for some of us!

10 Weeks Anavar 50mg Every Day
6 Weeks Winstrol 50mg Every Day

Week 11: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
Week 12: 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
Week 13: 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day

About $500, you'll be buff as fuck. Just remember to take the week 11 onward or you'll have no bollocks left. ;-)

Ignore this fool.

I wasn't being serious, that's why there is a smiley at the end. Knob
GStar said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Are press ups a good way to start for a newbie before hitting the gym?

Is it possible to increase your arm size through pressups alone?

They are a decent way to start but you won't increase your arm size, they just get toned. To increase muscle size you need to create resistance as the building of muscles is created by micro muscle fibre tears. For every 1 micro tear 2 muscle fibres grow, hence the change in size over a period of time.

Not sure how acurate that is mate, as it would mean everybody could grow to an almost limitless size.

It's true mate, i did PE and Sports Therapy at college and alot of it was built around muscles and trauma's to the body. This is from a sports science website:

"When muscles undergo intense exercise, as from a resistance training bout, there is trauma to the muscle fibers that is referred to as muscle injury or damage in scientific investigations. This disruption to muscle cell organelles activates satellite cells, which are located on the outside of the muscle fibers between the basal lamina (basement membrane) and the plasma membrane (sarcolemma) of muscles fibers to proliferate to the injury site (Charge and Rudnicki 2004). In essence, a biological effort to repair or replace damaged muscle fibers begins with the satellite cells fusing together and to the muscles fibers, often leading to increases in muscle fiber cross-sectional area or hypertrophy. The satellite cells have only one nucleus and can replicate by dividing. As the satellite cells multiply, some remain as organelles on the muscle fiber where as the majority differentiate (the process cells undergo as they mature into normal cells) and fuse to muscle fibers to form new muscle protein stands (or myofibrils) and/or repair damaged fibers. Thus, the muscle cells’ myofibrils will increase in thickness and number. After fusion with the muscle fiber, some satellite cells serve as a source of new nuclei to supplement the growing muscle fiber. With these additional nuclei, the muscle fiber can synthesize more proteins and create more contractile myofilaments, known as actin and myosin, in skeletal muscle cells. It is interesting to note that high numbers of satellite cells are found associated within slow-twitch muscle fibers as compared to fast-twitch muscle fibers within the same muscle, as they are regularly going through cell maintenance repair from daily activities."
smudgedj said:
I wasn't being serious, that's why there is a smiley at the end. Knob

Don't refer to me as the Knob when you come on here with your smart ass suggestions,then cover your tracks because you put some silly little image at the end of your post.

Alot of the guys on here are looking for help,they will be easily influenced if they sense a quick fix,however ill informed and lacking in knowledge/experience they may be.....

AAS use has its place,but certainly not in this situation.
FantasyIreland said:
smudgedj said:
I wasn't being serious, that's why there is a smiley at the end. Knob

Don't refer to me as the Knob when you come on here with your smart ass suggestions,then cover your tracks because you put some silly little image at the end of your post.

Alot of the guys on here are looking for help,they will be easily influenced if they sense a quick fix,however ill informed and lacking in knowledge/experience they may be.....

AAS use has its place,but certainly not in this situation.

Very true, when i was 19 i got into steroid abuse and all it did was land me in a world of hell and health issues. Luckily after a year of treatment i got back to my usual self.
FantasyIreland said:
Don't refer to me as the Knob when you come on here with your smart ass suggestions,then cover your tracks because you put some silly little image at the end of your post.

Alot of the guys on here are looking for help,they will be easily influenced if they sense a quick fix,however ill informed and lacking in knowledge/experience they may be.....

AAS use has its place,but certainly not in this situation.

didactic said:
ban-mcfc said:
i'm going the other way and trying to shift a bit of weight. didn't want to start another thread so i'll stick it in here.

today i'm having/had:

1 cornish pasty and 2 oranges about mid-day.

for tea i'm going to have poached egg on toast and 2 bannanas.

then maybe a light snack later in the evening, maybe a little chocolate and a yogurt.

would you say that's decent?

i also play football 2/3 times a week for a hour each time and go on a run once or twice a week.

The football part was probably the only part of your post that I thought was good.

Firstly why are you skipping breakfast?. The human body becomes used to certain patterns of eating you shouldnt cut out meals in a bid to lose weight. When you do the body stores the little you do eat as fat for an emergency because it feels starved. So when people who diet like this lose weight it is usually due to drops in water retention and as soon as they start eating again its back on even faster.

Structure your meals in a way that you have about 4- 6 a day all smaller portions this way your body burns off the food you ingest quicker as it knows it will be replenished quickly.

1 - 2/3 Egg whites and Oatmeal with a spoon of honey.
2. 6-8 oz of turkey/chicken breast with brown bread/rice or baked potato.
3. Salad with tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onions drizzle dressing preferably dijon mustard/balasmic vineger.
4. Can of tuna remove the oil/water with brown bread/rice or side salad.
5. Starchy fruit apple, mango, pear or watermelon pieces (or whatever you prefer).
6. 6-8oz turkey/chicken/fish (grilled), baked potato (can be sweet), broccoli as side.

Now this is an example you can mix and match as long it works out to 4 - 6, meals a day. If you dont start to see results in 4 weeks I will close my account. Also mushrooms are a wonderful addition as a side too also for desert low fat cheeses and yogurts are fine. Also nuts are a wonderful snack and the oils contained are good for you.

cheers mate but i've not done break fast in 2 years, you could say my meal at mid-day is breakfast because that's when i get up.

i work from about 2pm until 8-9 most weekdays, so i eat about 12pm before work, then again at 5pm, then again at like 9pm when i get home (but that's mostly cereal).

i stay up until 2-3 then wake up around lunch time as it fits my working hours. so surely my body is used to this as my eating pattern and thinks the 12pm meal is breakfast?
ban-mcfc said:
cheers mate but i've not done break fast in 2 years, you could say my meal at mid-day is breakfast because that's when i get up.

i work from about 2pm until 8-9 most weekdays, so i eat about 12pm before work, then again at 5pm, then again at like 9pm when i get home (but that's mostly cereal).

i stay up until 2-3 then wake up around lunch time as it fits my working hours. so surely my body is used to this as my eating pattern and thinks the 12pm meal is breakfast?

Yes if thats the shift you work then thats what we have to work with. Just have the egg whites when you have your version of breakfast. Also avoid eating after 10pm regardless what time you sleep unless its just nuts, fruit or healthy snacks.

You should have no problems losing the weight.
didactic said:
ban-mcfc said:
cheers mate but i've not done break fast in 2 years, you could say my meal at mid-day is breakfast because that's when i get up.

i work from about 2pm until 8-9 most weekdays, so i eat about 12pm before work, then again at 5pm, then again at like 9pm when i get home (but that's mostly cereal).

i stay up until 2-3 then wake up around lunch time as it fits my working hours. so surely my body is used to this as my eating pattern and thinks the 12pm meal is breakfast?

Yes if thats the shift you work then thats what we have to work with. Just have the egg whites when you have your version of breakfast. Also avoid eating after 10pm regardless what time you sleep unless its just nuts, fruit or healthy snacks.

You should have no problems losing the weight.

cheers mate.
didactic said:
Yes if thats the shift you work then thats what we have to work with. Just have the egg whites when you have your version of breakfast. Also avoid eating after 10pm regardless what time you sleep unless its just nuts, fruit or healthy snacks.

You should have no problems losing the weight.

Why avoid eating after 10 if he is only eating 3 times a day up until 9 and then not going to bed till 3? An extra 2 meals are needed imo,one of them being an hour before bed and it wouldn't be fruit(sugar) - Save that for breakfast or before/after a workout.

Nuts/nut butter(as suggested) Eggs/oily fish or a protein shake wold be fine pre bed.

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