How to bulk up?

FantasyIreland said:
didactic said:
Yes if thats the shift you work then thats what we have to work with. Just have the egg whites when you have your version of breakfast. Also avoid eating after 10pm regardless what time you sleep unless its just nuts, fruit or healthy snacks.

You should have no problems losing the weight.

Why avoid eating after 10 if he is only eating 3 times a day up until 9 and then not going to bed till 3? An extra 2 meals are needed imo,one of them being an hour before bed and it wouldn't be fruit(sugar) - Save that for breakfast or before/after a workout.

Nuts/nut butter(as suggested) Eggs/oily fish or a protein shake wold be fine pre bed.

Because he is trying to lose weight never said he wants to gain muscle. You are giving him muscle food in his sleep when he wants weight loss?.
didactic said:
FantasyIreland said:
didactic said:
Yes if thats the shift you work then thats what we have to work with. Just have the egg whites when you have your version of breakfast. Also avoid eating after 10pm regardless what time you sleep unless its just nuts, fruit or healthy snacks.

You should have no problems losing the weight.

Why avoid eating after 10 if he is only eating 3 times a day up until 9 and then not going to bed till 3? An extra 2 meals are needed imo,one of them being an hour before bed and it wouldn't be fruit(sugar) - Save that for breakfast or before/after a workout.

Nuts/nut butter(as suggested) Eggs/oily fish or a protein shake wold be fine pre bed.

Because he is trying to lose weight never said he wants to gain muscle. You are giving him muscle food in his sleep when he wants weight loss?.

I was under the impression he would be exercising as part of his efforts.
As you are undoubtedly aware if he trains 'correctly' he will hopefully alter his body shape while probably maintaining a similar weight - end result -look miles better.
FantasyIreland said:
I was under the impression he would be exercising as part of his efforts.
As you are undoubtedly aware if he trains 'correctly' he will hopefully alter his body shape while probably maintaining a similar weight - end result -look miles better.

Lets get him toned and cut first then if he decides he wants a more muscular look we give him muscle food before bed and change his work out pattern.
JamesMCFC said:
Hey didactic what do you think about BCAA? I have been taking them straight after a workout instead of a whey protein shake.

10-15g in a 2:1:1 ratio is very effective,just eat a soild meal(protein/carb) about an hour later.
JamesMCFC said:
Hey didactic what do you think about BCAA? I have been taking them straight after a workout instead of a whey protein shake.

I am not the best person to ask I am afraid besides whey I have never touched anything else. Not even creatine. Is there a reason you decided to use them? Were you not getting the desired results from your normal diet and training?.
didactic said:
JamesMCFC said:
Hey didactic what do you think about BCAA? I have been taking them straight after a workout instead of a whey protein shake.

I am not the best person to ask I am afraid besides whey I have never touched anything else. Not even creatine. Is there a reason you decided to use them? Were you not getting the desired results from your normal diet and training?.

No particular reason but I have reading up on them and they are supposedly good for keep the lean muscle you have and can prevent DOMS. I was just wondering if you have used them before.
JamesMCFC said:
No particular reason but I have reading up on them and they are supposedly good for keep the lean muscle you have and can prevent DOMS. I was just wondering if you have used them before.

No never I just keep my drinking to a minimum and eat clean food except on my cheat days. Never had a problem retaining the muscle. I always avoided things like that because I dont want my body getting used to them.
Decent diet and hard work will get you results.

Forget all this 6 meals, protein shakes, calorie intake etc.

You can have a good looking body without having to follow a competitors regime.
ive just re joined the gym, have changed my diet a bit and am going to keep adjusting it if it needs adjusting. im 6 ft 2, nearly 12 stone and want to put some on...ill be training 3-4 times a week as well as my usual football once a week. this thread has given me some good ideas food wise and i was just wondering if someone could look at my diet for the last 4 days and see if this will make me grow if i continue as well as train hard and properly.

wed-1 egg white on best of both toast, an orange, turkey muffin(or barm?), banana,pasta in sauce, turkey muffin, cottage cheese on toast, chicken and rice, scrambled egg white on that order, spaced out into 6 sittings

thur-same till tea time, had a home made brocolli soup and 6 slices of best of both bread,cottage cheese on toast x 2

fri- same till tea time then chicken and rice, cottage cheese on toast and 1 egg white on toast before bed
but imust say i drink 4 coffees a day and like chocolate in the evenings.....will this have to stop?
today ive had 2 x cottage cheese on toast, a sausage muffin, a bowl of rice pudding,an orange and a banana, and i bought some tuna and monkey nuts today...
im planning on upping my meal sizes as the days go. but have found its preparing all this food which is the most time consuming!!haha thanks to the op, bibby blue for the pms,and all those posting in this thread, its given me a kick up the ass.

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