How to bulk up?

BlueTG said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
I read the conclusions of a study that the human body is capable of supporting no more than 2 pounds of lean muscle gains a month, half a pound a week - withou.

This was in a controlled study with prime athletes however, most people would struggle to get close to that even.

People exaggerate their gains all the time, if you go on bulking programmes most of your gains will be fat and water retention, especially if you're using creatine. But anyone who's smashing on genuine lean muscle mass, disregarding water retention etc, is on roids.
I will never forget the day I was told this was bullshit by a guy stating that since he started taking whey protein, he put on 2 stone of muscle in 4 months. Bullshit straight from the source.

Anyone got any tips for upping caloric intake in a reasonably priced way? I've been recommended peanut butter, but the fat content seems a little steep for it?

I have between 80g to 100g of porridge oats each morning about 6am. Sees me through until at least 10ish. Big bag from Aldi is very cheap. Very cheap in Asda as well though. Big spoon of honey and/or ground Cinammon mixed in as well...lavverly jabbly
BlueTG said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
I read the conclusions of a study that the human body is capable of supporting no more than 2 pounds of lean muscle gains a month, half a pound a week - without steroids.

This was in a controlled study with prime athletes however, most people would struggle to get close to that even.

People exaggerate their gains all the time, if you go on bulking programmes most of your gains will be fat and water retention, especially if you're using creatine. But anyone who's smashing on genuine lean muscle mass, disregarding water retention etc, is on roids.
I will never forget the day I was told this was bullshit by a guy stating that since he started taking whey protein, he put on 2 stone of muscle in 4 months. Bullshit straight from the source.

Anyone got any tips for upping caloric intake in a reasonably priced way? I've been recommended peanut butter, but the fat content seems a little steep for it?

Fats are great additions to the diet,for both calories and health benefits.

Fish/Olive/nut oils and butters are excellent but,like you state,gradually introduce or the waistline will soon expand regardless of their 'goodness'.

regarding nut butters(almond,peanut,hazelnut,cashew) just make sure you buy the natural varieties as,otherwise,they can often be loaded with unwanted additives and sugars etc.

Good brands include - Meridian,Suma and whole earth.

The odd protein shake will also aid with extra calories and all important nutrients.
+1 for Whole Earth PB, love the stuff. Had to train my palate to like it though, never cared for peanuts/peanut butter in the past.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
My Protein do a fantastic peanut butter which is just 100% peanuts, really dry but all the goodness you could want
I'll give it a look cheers, I have a meal replacement shake but only on the days I train.
I'm just trying to gradually increase my overall size and weight, with a bit of muscle. I've managed to put half a stone on in 4 months from upping my diet and changing my training but the weight gain has stopped moving up now.
Glad to see that this thread has been bumped.

In April I was 148lb which for someone at 6ft, was quite ridiculous. I didn't look anerexic, and I certainly enjoyed my food and beer but there wasnt a great deal of lean muscle mass there. Slightly skinny fat if you will.

Fast forward to November and I am now 165lb and have noticed gains in quite a few areas. As is to be expected, I have gained a little bit of fat in the process but the plan is to keep bulking untill around the 175lb mark by March and then cut down to 168(ish) for summer. Hopefully it will reveal abs etc.

Its been hard work, and I am nowhere near there yet, but I am certainly nearer than when I started.

Some people don't like Protein shakes but for me they have been a life saviour. Take Promax in the morning, and Cyclone post workout. Combined it's an easy 450 calories and 60g of Protein, which makes finding the rest a little easier.

The biggest mistake that I made in the past was not eating enough. If your wanting to bulk up, you have to keep eating constantly. I aim at about 350 calories over my daily mainteance, and its worked for me. Don't be afraid of adding a little fat along with the muscle.

At the moment I am really focusing on my posture. Having an desk based job isn't ideal and the physio advises that I have a slight anterior pelvic tilt. If anyone has any experiences in correcting this then please let me know.

Anyone has any questions about anything just give me a shout. I am not Arnie, but if I can do it, literally anyone can.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
My Protein do a fantastic peanut butter which is just 100% peanuts, really dry but all the goodness you could want

Yeah but it looks and tastes like the contents of a baby's nappy.
BlueTG said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
My Protein do a fantastic peanut butter which is just 100% peanuts, really dry but all the goodness you could want
I'll give it a look cheers, I have a meal replacement shake but only on the days I train.
I'm just trying to gradually increase my overall size and weight, with a bit of muscle. I've managed to put half a stone on in 4 months from upping my diet and changing my training but the weight gain has stopped moving up now.

Greek Yoghurt/Cottage Cheese/ Milk.

Aside from the obvious Chicken etc.
Richard said:
BlueTG said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
My Protein do a fantastic peanut butter which is just 100% peanuts, really dry but all the goodness you could want
I'll give it a look cheers, I have a meal replacement shake but only on the days I train.
I'm just trying to gradually increase my overall size and weight, with a bit of muscle. I've managed to put half a stone on in 4 months from upping my diet and changing my training but the weight gain has stopped moving up now.

Greek Yoghurt/Cottage Cheese/ Milk.

Aside from the obvious Chicken etc.
Cannot stomach cheese or Greek yoghurt, but I aim for at least 2 pints of whole milk a day, and I'm fine on the protein front, its just between meals/breakfast I fall down on. I often stay up late after tea so run out of food/snacks to have a little later, so I end up without eating for quite a considerable time before getting up.

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