How to bulk up?

Some may find this interesting <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Dirty Harry said:
Some may find this interesting <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

The supplement companies have a lot to answer for.......
The hardest lengthy investment I ever had.

I was 27 when I first started bulking up which is a hard feat for my natural exo frame. I was 5'8" and around 50kg.

Started doing weights and high protein diet and managed to reach 80kg as highest , then cut down to 75kg on a HIIT programme. My supplements were mostly MaxiMuscle with meals every 2-3 hours.

Then I took a different role in my career and I lost a lot of what I built in the first place through sedentary lifestyle and lack of sleep and being in front of the computer 24/7 for 2 years. Plummeted to around 55kg.and a frail frame. Also had the worry of losing my child to a fatal disease which she miraculously recovered. But months after that episode I was very edgy.

Attempted several times to start weights but the willpower wall is a tough climb.
FantasyIreland said:
Dirty Harry said:
Some may find this interesting <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

The supplement companies have a lot to answer for.......

Absolutely mate, never trusted them since the Weider 'Anabolic mega-pack', over £25 and that was 30 years or so ago, turned out to be nothing more than a few vitamins and minerals, yet it was pretty much marketed that it wasn't really worth you training if you didn't take them back then, anyway, that's not to say supplements don't have a place, it's just over-rated I think.
These last few years have made me realise how much time and money I wasted,and,in some instances,the agony I created for basically listening to scaremongering tactics,while being taken advantage of,by companies simply concerned with lining their pockets.

Like you say,supplements are very useful but far from essential as they would have you believe...... In fact,they aren't needed at all if you simply train hard and eat a healthy diet.

As the article states,overall intake of food is far more relevant to progress than the actual times it's consumed.

Do not make life complicated,eat at your convenience and above all else - keep it simple!
FantasyIreland said:
Do not make life complicated,eat at your convenience and above all else - keep it simple!

This is why so many people, and I include myself in this, fail.

Eat every 2 hours, 30g of protein per meal max, no more than 30% of your bodyweight in protein during the week of a full moon, only carbs on days with letters beginning with T, never end reps on prime numbers - There are so many people with a vested interest in confusing you into buying their shit. So many diets, so many supplements, so many training programs, and a whole lot of bullshit.

Eat well, do pull ups, do push ups, ride your bike. You'll probably find yourself getting into shape without too much thinking. The reason there are a million diets and a million training programs with successful users is clearly because they all centre around the same thing - Eat better and more, lift heavy, sleep. Complicated indeed!
Good post ade.

In my 'prime' i got myself in such a mess that I honestly believed missing one meal would have had such detrimental effects on my physique and all my efforts that I would sacrifice pretty much everything else in order to eat.

Absolute fucking madness and I hope others can learn from my experience.Make training productive but do not lose perspective of reality........keep things enjoyable and make training fit in around your life and certainly not at the expense of it.
Merry Christmas fellas,

I have been following the 5 x 5 plan for the past few weeks and seeing some improvements so heading in the right direction.
Here is my spreadsheet that I have been using to track my workouts; <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... sp=sharing</a>

I think I seriously need to sort my diet though as I am seeing changes in my arms, chest, shoulders etc but my stomach and legs could still be alot more toned.

Will knuckle down over christmas and try to sort it out for when I go back to uni!
FantasyIreland said:
Good post ade.

In my 'prime' i got myself in such a mess that I honestly believed missing one meal would have had such detrimental effects on my physique and all my efforts that I would sacrifice pretty much everything else in order to eat.

Absolute fucking madness and I hope others can learn from my experience.Make training productive but do not lose perspective of reality........keep things enjoyable and make training fit in around your life and certainly not at the expense of it.

Putting Steroids into your body certainly is :-)

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