How to bulk up?

DavidSilvasLeftFoot said:
Does anyone know how I can but healthily double my calorie intake? I'm eating 4-5 meals a day now but still probably not eating enough. Was going to buy almond nuts the other day for more protein, it was something like £2.60 for a pack. I'm a student so don't have and endless supply of cash.

Up your portion sizes to what you already have mate ?

Other than that plenty of cheap ways (although they seem to be running out) but a wholemeal loaf/potatoes with tinned sardines (not in veg oil), noodles/rice with tuna (flakes lol)/chicken, you can always make your own sauces with spices etc.
DavidSilvasLeftFoot said:
Does anyone know how I can but healthily double my calorie intake? I'm eating 4-5 meals a day now but still probably not eating enough. Was going to buy almond nuts the other day for more protein, it was something like £2.60 for a pack. I'm a student so don't have and endless supply of cash.

Im serious about this eat shit food + salads full of chicken and dressing. Personally i never had a problem gaining weight but i know other people that just cant.
Just looking for advice, my diet is really sorted, im low on carbs, eating enough vegetables, protein etc but im struggling for something quick and easy after my workout. Currently I have the protein shake immediately after with BCAA. When I get home as its generally still too early for full meal I have 2 slices wholemeal toast with cottage cheese. Just trying to see if this is a decent idea or if I should be looking at other foods
I always have an insane appetite after gym, I cook a batch of chicken breast in jerk spices a few times a week for snacking on in between main meals, cottage cheese on sesame ryvita is another I often snack on, low carbs and a bit of protein.

I do the same as you with the shake after workout mainly because i've always done that and convinced myself it helps me recover but I believe that has been discredited now anyway!
SiWatts90 said:
I always have an insane appetite after gym, I cook a batch of chicken breast in jerk spices a few times a week for snacking on in between main meals, cottage cheese on sesame ryvita is another I often snack on, low carbs and a bit of protein.

I do the same as you with the shake after workout mainly because i've always done that and convinced myself it helps me recover but I believe that has been discredited now anyway!

I do it just out of habit to, no idea if it helps in anyway. They discredited the 30 minute window then?
DavidSilvasLeftFoot said:
Does anyone know how I can but healthily double my calorie intake? I'm eating 4-5 meals a day now but still probably not eating enough. Was going to buy almond nuts the other day for more protein, it was something like £2.60 for a pack. I'm a student so don't have and endless supply of cash.
work with salads,wholegrain nutty breads and sundried tomatoes/veg`????
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
FantasyIreland said:
He's a total dickhead Harry,not in our league.He's too busy fannying about on a gym ball and planking....... ignore the fool,he's not worth a wank.

However,for clarity.......i trained my bollocks off for ten years,completely unassisted,so,like i often try,if anyone needs advice from someone who's 'been there' then just ask.

-- 18 Dec 2013 07:50 --

You will look like shite though.Who wants to look fat and bloated?

Eat plenty but eat healthy - clean bulk!

Fuck me Fanny-You are so easy. Fannying around on a gym ball!! Only one fucking fanny on here and it's you-I bet you got one of those fucking horrible fat necks as all the roid heads have (oh and a miniscule cock)...Carry on.I will just keep fucking around because I certainly don't wanna be in your league.

Is there a thread or subject that you can post on or about without winding some fucker up?

Can you please stick to the subject in hand without the personal abuse?..............thanks!

fuckin funny though
Re: How to gain weight healthily?

Johnsonontheleft said:
My metabolism is such that whatever I eat I can't seem to put on weight. I'm skinny and I want to bulk up, but I want to do it the healthy way. I don't like the idea of supplements because they seem unnatural to me and I don't want to put any undue strain on my body. I'm in my early 30's by the way. Some stomach problems mean I would struggle to simply double my meal sizes.

Is there a foolproof healthy way to bulk up? Do I need to get myself down the gym to do this? Wouldn't know where to start!

When you say you mean muscle or fat ???

if you want fat then sugar and lots of it..

if you want muscle then its work outs and carbs..
I've started a new plan at the gym this week, well when I say a new plan what I mean is I actually plan rather than just turning up and doing what I fancy at the time.

Been doing lots of complex moves instead of single moves. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight/fat, although some more muscle wouldn't be unwelcome even if that is not main priority.

Got a complex for barbells, dumbbells, gym bench and a step (like the one women use for aerobics) which seem to be going well and is a good way of adding in some cardio but with weights.

Also, how good are farmers' walks! Love doing them even if do get a funny looks when doing them.
Dear weight gainers,

GOMAD is your friend<br /><br />-- Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:32 pm --<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Good read by the way

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