How to bulk up?

jacko8684 said:
i missed that earlier on in the day when i read the thread.
hey newbie, listen to prestwich blue and take it in.
i guarantee you if you go for a health check up they will say one word a lot of times... optimum...
that means the best, the greatest, better than awesome. i read your post a few times and want to tell you to pull yourself together and man up like i should...but i understand your pain soo much, i was that lad when i was 17/18, hated my body, no money etc...
my best bit of advice to you would be to earn money through hard work and focus, and you may put on a bit of weight if your a bit happier and have a focus anyway, then you can build on that when you join a gym..
so anyway, i went for a health check up when i was 19 and they told me i was the best they had seen for 11 years.... i thought i was tall, gangly,underweight and gaunt...they told me i was OPTIMUM!!
chin up blue

Did you ever shudder at the thought of summer, because it meant t-shirts and shorts? I do. It hurts a lot.
When everyone around me is getting bigger, even people that don't lift weights or eat well.

Guessing by that chart I don't have a issue with my weight then, but the way I look. I look like a skeleton.
Dirty Harry said:
quiet_riot said:
Looks tasty.....

I actually used to like it mate (don't know what his problem was lol), now chicken blended with diet coke or Sprite, for some reason that did make me puke.

I've seen a show with Dean Ash where he has water, broccoli and chicken, blends them together and chugs it down...I thought that was bad, but Tuna and a fizzy drink? Blergh
ThisNoize said:
Hi all, 18 year old here.

I'm 6'2 and I weigh a pathetic 11 stone, very depressed and self concious about my body. Really want to do something about it. Have no experience with any exercise other then football and running.

I have no money for a gym, no money for equipment and I couldn't even fund the diet required.
It's not as simple as saving up, because I literally never have money (can't remember the last time I had a few drinks with my mates)

Looking for any advice.

I think you are light for your height to be honest unless you are a male model.
ThisNoize said:
Hi all, 18 year old here.

I'm 6'2 and I weigh a pathetic 11 stone, very depressed and self concious about my body. Really want to do something about it. Have no experience with any exercise other then football and running.

I have no money for a gym, no money for equipment and I couldn't even fund the diet required.
It's not as simple as saving up, because I literally never have money (can't remember the last time I had a few drinks with my mates)

Looking for any advice.

I would say its almost impossible for you then unless you get banged up for 5 years and just smash the weights in there
BoyBlue_1985 said:
ThisNoize said:
Hi all, 18 year old here.

I'm 6'2 and I weigh a pathetic 11 stone, very depressed and self concious about my body. Really want to do something about it. Have no experience with any exercise other then football and running.

I have no money for a gym, no money for equipment and I couldn't even fund the diet required.
It's not as simple as saving up, because I literally never have money (can't remember the last time I had a few drinks with my mates)

Looking for any advice.

I would say its almost impossible for you then unless you get banged up for 5 years and just smash the weights in there

Very difficult indeed BB.

Right mate, would need to see what your weekly budget for food is but see if any of this helps you for now :-

Some simple ( and cheap ) options you can concentrate on bud that may help, Bags of oats, pasta, rice and potatoes, and also bread.
A few 4 pinters of semi-skimmed milk,
Various minced meats (with fat drained off), cheap lean off-cuts or TVP (Quorn and suchlike),
You can get cheap-ass cans of tomatoes or various sauces for pasta/sweet and sour and a few herbs and spices.
Vegetables, plenty of cheap ass ones in Aldi.
Eggs, cheap as if you don't mind non-free-range stuff.

You can easily cook a load of these off in advance and freeze/refrigerate any leftovers.

Training-wise, do you have anywhere where you can do pull-ups and dips from ?
You can also start with press-ups and as you gain strength you can raise your legs until you are eventually doing handstand press-ups.
If you have a rucksack you can always utilise that by lobbing a load of bricks in and squatting aswell as walking up and down stairs etc.
Sandbags, if you can get hold of one there are a few routines on the net you can use.
If you have a park with steps HIIT will be useful, explode up the steps then jog down

All these will help with strength, power balance and co-ordination and you can easily build a decent physique from them as long as you don't want to be huge, just slowly ramp up the food and be consistent with the training.

Hope that's useful to you.
quiet_riot said:
Dirty Harry said:
quiet_riot said:
Looks tasty.....

I actually used to like it mate (don't know what his problem was lol), now chicken blended with diet coke or Sprite, for some reason that did make me puke.

I've seen a show with Dean Ash where he has water, broccoli and chicken, blends them together and chugs it down...I thought that was bad, but Tuna and a fizzy drink? Blergh

Why do they advocate doing that?
GStar said:
quiet_riot said:
Dirty Harry said:
I actually used to like it mate (don't know what his problem was lol), now chicken blended with diet coke or Sprite, for some reason that did make me puke.

I've seen a show with Dean Ash where he has water, broccoli and chicken, blends them together and chugs it down...I thought that was bad, but Tuna and a fizzy drink? Blergh

Why do they advocate doing that?

It's just an easier way to get calories/macro's in Gstar, when you have to eat so often, it becomes a chore and/or some people simply just don't have the appetite or time for it mate.

PS, the tuna one is much less of an option and less popular these days due to the huge price increases over the last few years.
didactic said:
ThisNoize said:
Hi all, 18 year old here.

I'm 6'2 and I weigh a pathetic 11 stone, very depressed and self concious about my body. Really want to do something about it. Have no experience with any exercise other then football and running.

I have no money for a gym, no money for equipment and I couldn't even fund the diet required.
It's not as simple as saving up, because I literally never have money (can't remember the last time I had a few drinks with my mates)

Looking for any advice.

I think you are light for your height to be honest unless you are a male model.
Do you think that's the most sensible response to a guy who clearly has issues about his physical appearance when the stats say he's a healthy weight? You a qualified doctor or dietician?
GStar said:
quiet_riot said:
Dirty Harry said:
I actually used to like it mate (don't know what his problem was lol), now chicken blended with diet coke or Sprite, for some reason that did make me puke.

I've seen a show with Dean Ash where he has water, broccoli and chicken, blends them together and chugs it down...I thought that was bad, but Tuna and a fizzy drink? Blergh

Why do they advocate doing that?

Just sort of a 'sick of chewing/short on time' solution.

Personally, I wouldn't do it, as it looked like he was drinking thick snot.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Do you think that's the most sensible response to a guy who clearly has issues about his physical appearance when the stats say he's a healthy weight? You a qualified doctor or dietician?

He has come here asking for advice on gaining weight so I think it is the perfect response. I think everyone in this thread has issues about their physical appearance which is why we are working to improve it. I am not a doctor nor a dietician but someone asks me a genuine question in a thread called "How to bulk up", I will give them an honest answer.

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