How to bulk up?

jacko8684 said:
do you not find that you are shitting through the eye of a needle though pal because of all the fruit? or does the protein balance it out? and the peanut butter...just off the spoon??? im getting some multi vits today as my veg intake isnt as high as it should be.

Just to note,a decent multi vit is a good dietary supplement but it in no way replaces the macronutrients,antioxidants,vits/mins and fibre that are found in fresh or canned veg.
The body also absorbes food far better than tablets and will aid that process when proteins are consumed.

Man up with your greens,you will look and feel far better for it.
For those who don't like veg (ie me and Anton), Campbells V8 vegetable juice (about £1.68 a litre from Tesco) is a useful addition, it's 87% tomato juice (then carrot, celery, beetroot etc) but still better than nothing and not too expensive.
Quick update:

I've started doing press ups, using the 100 pressups iPhone app. The day after my first day of pressups, my chest was killing me. It's getting easier now though, and I did 50 today. Once I can comfortably do 100 pressups I will start in the gym.

My biggest problem is diet. I've been trying to increase both meal sizes and frequency of meals, but having meals between meals and drinking milk is ruining my appetite for the next meal. I feel like I can't physically take in more food without being sick.

I've bought Men's Health magazine which promised to tell me how to gain 10kg in 6 weeks but it just says eat more and then gives me a load of gym exercises.
Johnsonontheleft said:
My biggest problem is diet. I've been trying to increase both meal sizes and frequency of meals, but having meals between meals and drinking milk is ruining my appetite for the next meal. I feel like I can't physically take in more food without being sick.

I know that feeling. I feel like the main reason I'm not seeing as much progress as I'd like is that I'm struggling to eat anymore than I do now. My day looks something like this, generally.

Breakfast: Protein shake + weetabix
10am: Porridge
12pm: chicken salad butty, apple & banana
2pm: chicken
Post WO: double Protein shake
Teatime: chicken/fish with pasta/potatoes and veg
8pm-ish (this is where I fail because I don't feel like eating now): scrambled eggs/sardines
Protein shake before bed.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Quick update:

I've started doing press ups, using the 100 pressups iPhone app. The day after my first day of pressups, my chest was killing me. It's getting easier now though, and I did 50 today. Once I can comfortably do 100 pressups I will start in the gym.

My biggest problem is diet. I've been trying to increase both meal sizes and frequency of meals, but having meals between meals and drinking milk is ruining my appetite for the next meal. I feel like I can't physically take in more food without being sick.

I've bought Men's Health magazine which promised to tell me how to gain 10kg in 6 weeks but it just says eat more and then gives me a load of gym exercises.

My mates and I joke about these magazines becauses though some have good tips its not really in their best interest for you to bulk up quickly. You need to give yourself a plan, write it down and stick to it. The press up thing is good because being able to lift your own weight (press upd, pull ups. dips) is wonderful for building solid muscle but you do need to eat and sleep.

Do not increase meal sizes break them down so you are eating more meals. Your body will soon get used to this and eventually your stomach will stretch and your bowel movements will adapt. I gave someone else an example for their diet so take a look at that and make one of your own.

Keep us informed of the progress and dont believe everything the magazines say the best people to ask are the ones training in your gym or some people here who work out. (Avoid the bloated roid heads because they may convince you to go that route.)

Good luck.

This morning I had 4 eggs on 2 pieces of toast. I don't reckon I'll be able to eat again until half 10.

Is there a danger of eating too many eggs given the amount of cholesterol they contain?
The comment by Didactic about not increasing meal sizes but eating more meals is spot on for now mate, no use trying to run before you can walk as you've found out, get used to eating regular and frequent meals first and then try and increase from there.

Also, what may help is to add more calorie dense meals or items to your diet, various healthy fats will help here mate, one useful trick is 'Whole Earth natural peanut butter' (on offer in Asda atm for £2), it can easily be mixed in many things, an example would be chicken and spices, so, get a Satay recipe and use that, also, if you like Snickers, it can be mixed in with Chocolate whey, a bit of flaxseed oil and Splenda and chilled or frozen, it's packed with protein and good fats and won't leave you so full that you won't feel like eating a few hours later.

You can move onto tuna blended with diet coke or sprite in the future lol.
AntonDonJuan said:
I start bulking Monday:

7am - 4 x weetabix, 2 scoops protein, 1 x banana

10am - 2 x brown bread, 1 x tin tuna/mackerel, 2 x boiled eggs, 1 piece fruit

12.30pm - jacket potato with tuna, 1 x activia yoghurt, 1 piece fruit

3.30pm - wholemeal bagel with turkey, 1 scoop protein, 1 piece of fruit, handful of nuts


2 scoops protein after gym

7pm - rice/potatoes/pasta with fish/chicken/turkey/steak/mince meat, 1 spoonful of peanut butter

10pm cottage cheese, 1 scoop protein

I hate veg so I just take a good multi vit every day

Christ, how many grams of protein are in that?!

I used Starting Strength/Stronglifts 5x5 when I first got into weight training about a year ago. Helped me put on about a stone and a half in about 5 months. Felt and looked miles better than I had done before!

StrongLifts 5x5 Workout A StrongLifts 5x5 Workout B
Squat 5x5 Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5 Overhead Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5 Deadlift 1x5

Alternate between workout A and workout B. Train three times a week, on non-consecutive days. Personally, I do pull-ups with workout A and chin-ups with workout B, just because I like doing them...

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