How to bulk up?

GStar said:
FantasyIreland said:
Protein at breakfast - 40g !! eggs would be good(6 whites 2 yolks)

What's the thinking behind only 2 yolks... i know its a popular BBing choice, but am i right in thinking there's more good fat and similar protein from 3 full eggs?

I'm speaking from my diet,as i utilise plenty of other fats in my foods,i would spill over with more and obviously this will lead to unwanted fat gains.Cholesterol can also be an issue for some.And definitely more protein in my combo.
GStar said:
Cheers for explaining.

I think the fats in egg yolks have been shown to lower 'bad' cholesterol... although i'm sure they'll be causing cancer by next week.

Generally if you don't suffer with,or have family history of hypercholesterolemia,then the liver will compensate for dietary cholesterol,so most should be fine.....

Its good,however,to obtain a wide range of 'good' fats - omega 3's being the most important i believe.
Dirty Harry said:
didactic said:
Ntini77 said:
Again, thanks for the advice.

I best get shopping!

Bought two 5kg packets of Sweet potatoes yesterday. I think they are brilliant baked, cooked or in moderate amounts washed and sliced and eaten raw. I use them as a replacement to whole wheat bread and brown rice when I get tired and want a different texture. So they go with veggies, eggs and the rest. Also they are easy to store and can be mashed or cooked in chunks. Price is very reasonable too.

If you've never tried them Dids try chipping them, quick squirt or two of 'one cal' oil to stop them sticking, then sprinkle with Cajun spices and chilli flakes and bake for around 20 minutes, really nice ;-)

Never have will do thanks for the shout.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:13 pm --<br /><br />
Nervous Nedum said:
Right, I could do with some diet advice.

Currently 71kg at 5'11 so could do with a bit of bulking up. Maintenance is 2500 calories so approx. 3000 for weight gain is needed.

This is what I have eaten today:

Breakfast- 2 slices wholemeal toast, orange juice


Post-workout- 300ml milk with 25g protein, banana

Dinner- 125g Brown rice, 200g veg, 150g skinless chicken breast

Tea- 200g salmon, 200g veg

Snack- 300ml milk with 25g protein

This brings my protein intake to 175g, carbs are at 165g but calories are just hitting 2000.

Where should I eat more/less? What should I eat differently? All advice is welcome and appreciated.

Fantasy pretty much covered everything. Also try and throw in different fish not just salmon. The fish oil is very good for you so I tend to keep the skins on mine and bake/grill them.

Also vary you fruit and add nuts as snacks in there.

Good luck.
FantasyIreland said:
Before bed have porridge and protein powder

Just to add onto this, if (like me) you struggle to eat late on, rather making porridge to eat, make up a protein shake with water and put your oats straight into that, but do it a couple of hours before you intend to consume. Keep it in the fridge, lets the oats soak and it goes down quite easily.
quiet_riot said:
FantasyIreland said:
Before bed have porridge and protein powder

Just to add onto this, if (like me) you struggle to eat late on, rather making porridge to eat, make up a protein shake with water and put your oats straight into that, but do it a couple of hours before you intend to consume. Keep it in the fridge, lets the oats soak and it goes down quite easily.

Ya big fanny!
FantasyIreland said:
quiet_riot said:
FantasyIreland said:
Before bed have porridge and protein powder

Just to add onto this, if (like me) you struggle to eat late on, rather making porridge to eat, make up a protein shake with water and put your oats straight into that, but do it a couple of hours before you intend to consume. Keep it in the fridge, lets the oats soak and it goes down quite easily.

Ya big fanny!

Bugger off!
I am no expert and I am sure it's more complex but to me, the way to get bigger muscles (I am presuming people are not talking about getting fat) is to consistently lift weights till muscle exhaustion, eat a good diet,it works for me, I don't think there are any short cuts that the skinny guy can try, it's just hard work and lots of it (and you have to rest)

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