How to bulk up?

Ha ha,here ya go.......

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

in particular for ctid's requirements

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ms/protein</a>

top class all round.
FantasyIreland said:
Ha ha,here ya go.......

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

in particular for ctid's requirements

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ms/protein</a>

top class all round.

I'm a few shakes away from the end of my Impact Whey so I may give some of that pro-isobolic a whirl. Do they do taster pouches at all? I'm a proper woman when it comes to the flavour of my protein. Usually vanilla is a safe bet but there's always some twat out there looking to spoil it.
Cheers for that FI.
Well I went to the gym on Monday and did chest press, leg press, rower and some deltoid raises.

The gym at uni has two areas, one where all the deadlifting and squat equipment is and I went down there and was met by some seriously big fellas and some scary looking weights and bars! So I went to the normal one and did the machines.

However, I know I shouldnt be put off by the other lads and just got on with it but I want to build myself up a bit first.

Is that possible with the machines and free weights or are squats/deadifts that key!?

The machines I have avaliable are; leg press, chest press, deltoid raise, free weights, cable machine (cross over etc), treadmill, bike, spinning bike, ab thingy, rowing machine.

Anyone able to help build a workout with those before I pluck up the courage and go into the downstairs bit and do deadlifts etc.
CTID101 said:
Cheers for that FI.
Well I went to the gym on Monday and did chest press, leg press, rower and some deltoid raises.

The gym at uni has two areas, one where all the deadlifting and squat equipment is and I went down there and was met by some seriously big fellas and some scary looking weights and bars! So I went to the normal one and did the machines.

However, I know I shouldnt be put off by the other lads and just got on with it but I want to build myself up a bit first.

Is that possible with the machines and free weights or are squats/deadifts that key!?

The machines I have avaliable are; leg press, chest press, deltoid raise, free weights, cable machine (cross over etc), treadmill, bike, spinning bike, ab thingy, rowing machine.

Anyone able to help build a workout with those before I pluck up the courage and go into the downstairs bit and do deadlifts etc.

Everybody has to start somewhere mate, if anyone gives you shit, politely (or not) remind them of that :-), and no exercise is a MUST either, just some are more productive/beneficial than others, plus you get the 'badge of honour' crowd who can't wait to tell you they squat,bench deadlift X amount, ego-maniacs ;-)

Much depends on what your goals are really and the time you have to spend in the gym though routine-wise, if we go by 3 (alternate) days, I always found 5x5's or 4x8's , Push, Legs, Pull as good a starting routine as any for people, just remember to ease yourself into it though, on a lower rep scheme the temptation is always there to push things a little too early and a little too much ,it would simply be :-

Bench press of some form with a slight incline
Standing military barbell press
Dips (weighted when you get strong enough)

Leg press
Leg curl (do a minimum of 8 reps on this one though)

Deadlift (use the free weights you have and nail form, but keep reps in the lower region ie 6 and below )
Chins/pull-ups or lat pulldowns (stick at it if you do chins/pull-ups :-) and the same a dips when you can do 5x5)
Dumbbell curls

And finish off with some cardio-vascular exercise for 20-30 minutes.

Don't wish to sound condescending here mate but remember, rest, whole food and consistency are key here and focus over time on upping the weight on this type of routine, when you can hit 5x5 (or the odd exercise you do more reps) then up it by 5 kilos each time.

Truth is, there are loads of routines out there, if you find one you like, then stick with it for 3 months and see how you progress.
Is going to the gym on consecutive days a definite no-no for novices then? What would be the best supplements for beginner? I'm suspicious of most supplements, I have a tub of creatine from tesco, but I think most of them just look like scams. I'm mostly just eating eggs, bacon, and tuna everyday.
DavidSilvasLeftFoot said:
Is going to the gym on consecutive days a definite no-no for novices then? What would be the best supplements for beginner? I'm suspicious of most supplements, I have a tub of creatine from tesco, but I think most of them just look like scams. I'm mostly just eating eggs, bacon, and tuna everyday.

As a 'newbie' your body will probably respond as you are providing it with an unknown stimulus,however,ultimately,gains will stop as your body needs rest to repair and grow,going to the gym too frequently will not give it a chance.

Training intelligently(loads of routines in this thread including DH's above....) 3 or 4 times a week is plenty.

Don't worry about supplements at this stage just eat well - complex carbs,healthy fats and lean proteins.
Cheers for that DH, will start that tomorrow.
Will do your friday workout and then start properly on monday.

At the moment when I go to the gym I do 2000m on the rower and 4/5km on the bike as a "warm up" then weights. Is that ok or should I do that at the end?

I have been sorting out my diet as well as much as I can, upping the veg/salad and rice/pasta with chicken or fish etc.
Cutting the soft drinks and crisps etc and barring that cidre I just had no alcohol except on Friday or Saturday.
Not sure if already been posted in thread but these 2 companys are first class and have some great flavours to,ignore the fact the 2nd link the company is linked to them blue scousers

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tAodWFYAZw</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nd-b-exact</a>

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