How would you say you are coping mentally?

Today wasnt great for me. Been working all week supporting food banks, ie work for the local council and we drive 50 miles round trip ever day to transport cheap food to all the food banks in our area and also deliver to care homes etc in our area.

But for some reason today being off I was very short tempered, dont really know why. I had to go and do the shop as although my missus is on furlough I wont let her do it as she is diabetic. I wasnt looking forward to the queueing in this heat and sun. I chose the farm foods which didnt have a queue and was in and out in 30 minutes and got 90% of what I needed.
I am really missing going for a drive with the roof down and a pub lunch !

I feel better now I think I allowed the the thought of doing the shop get to me ....which was silly
well done fella
you are a good one
many ,will have benefited from your humanity.
I can imagine this lockdown is playing with so many minds up and down the country. Imagine a family who may hardly have seen one another due to work commitments now being at home together 24/7, it must seem so so weird. Most will welcome it of course but I bet there's quite a lot who are really struggling with it. I think my biggest test will come pretty soon, it's been ok us four together but another 2-3 months of it and I'm sure the falling out will start.
Try and stay positive folks as hard as it may be.
So so jealous of everyone with gardens. Living in a tiny flat with no balcony in the city centre with no green spaces nearby is utterly shite.

that’s tough fella, do feel for those not having garden especially for those with kids.
Would be nice if they could somehow police only the likes of those without a garden being allowed to stroll around public parks etc.
Stick it out, normality will return.
I've switched off to a large extent. My job involves driving around the UK visiting my customers (most of whom are also now friends) so as I can't do that I'm reduced to email & phone calls. Even though I'm 66 in a few weeks I'm not particularly worried about myself wrt Covid-19 but I am concerned about the long term prospects of my son & daughter. The economic impact of this could last for decades and that is my biggest worry. I'm fine but what is the future for younger people?
Yeah, sound advice. To be honest, I had no real mental health problems before this, which is why I've been so surprised! I've been thinking about it, and I reckon my problems stem from never really felt out of control in life before, which is why its hit me so strongly I think. For the first time I feel totally helpless I think. In my family I've always been the one that people go to to solve problems. My mum always says I'm the unflappable one and it hits her hardest when I'm upset, cos I'm the one who fixes problems in my family - was never intended to be that way, but just how it ended up being. My mum and dad fall out, i speak to them, my brother has problems with work, I help him organise his finances, my missus doesn't know what to say to her boss, I help her write the email etc... I never asked it to be that way, but its just worked out that way. Most families have one like that I guess.

I reckon this is the first time most of us have ever felt a bit useless? Certainly feels that way for me, as I've got no idea what to do. I can't help them really. There is no solution, and I reckon the back of my mind has probably exploded as a result, and its hit hard. Never before in my life has there been something this dramatic that can't be fixed, and it feels weird. And to be honest, I've felt quite embarrassed by my own reaction it, and almost a bit ashamed tbh. Though I know that's not really fair. I guess when the core foundations on which your life are built suddenly just start to crack then its only natural that things will start to fall down.

Anyway, I'm just waffling here, but just trying to understand my own head I guess. You're spot on. I 100% need to stop worrying about the future, and as others have said, get outside in some way. Cheers for everyone who replied. Really appreciate it. I feel like a tit, but it only honestly helps getting it off my chest. Ta!x
Don't you dare be embarassed or ashamed !! Feeling like a tit i will give you

This is such a strange situation unless you are a natural hermit like me,everyone is suddenly out of control,it has to be so much easier if you are in lockdown with your loved ones but even then..

There is no such thing as a right or wrong way to deal with it,everyone just has go with it,as with everything it will pass eventually
doesn't help i split with my GF a few weeks before lock down
don't really have any friends and i work in a hospital, perfect storm!

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